
Machinery and Tools, Manufacturing Machinery, Raw Materials Processing Machinery, Soldering and Welding Machinery, Tools and General Machinery, Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools, Wrenches and Drivers, Training Equipment, Hardware and Fasteners, Screws,-Gujarat

Directorate Of Employment And Training has published Machinery and Tools, Manufacturing Machinery, Raw Materials Processing Machinery, Soldering and Welding Machinery, Tools and General Machinery, Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools, Wrenches and Drivers, Training Equipment, Hardware and Fasteners, Screws,. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-10-2018. Raw Materials Processing Machinery Tenders in Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Machinery and Tools, Manufacturing Machinery, Raw Materials Processing Machinery, Soldering and Welding Machinery, Tools and General Machinery, Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools, Wrenches and Drivers, Training Equipment, Hardware and Fasteners, Screws,
Open Tender

Tender Details

Purchase Of Different Items, Trainee Toolkit And Shop-Outfit For various Trades:-159 Vice bench 150 MM 160 Washer, clutch, keys, jib, cotter & circlip minimum 25mm size, carbon steel material 161 Welding helmet with coloured glass 162 Wheel dresser (One for 4 units) Star/Dresser 150 MM with Holder dimond point 163 Wing compass. 250 mm or 300 mm 164 Wire gauge, metric standard. 165 Wooden handle forged Soldering Iron copper bit.230V,250W ,350 gm 167 Screw driver set 100 mm 168 CRIMPING TOOLS ASSORTED SIZE 10-100MM ( 5NO) AS PER STD 169 COMBINATION PLIER INSULATED 200MM 170 Tower ladder on type wheels Min 10ft-Max 30ft(as per starndard) 171 Voltmeter AC 0 – 150 – 300 – 600 range(kew) 172 2 point starter for D.C.Series motor(l&T) 173 Autotransformer Single phase 0-300V 1kVA(as per starndard) 174 Autotransformer Three phase 0-500V 1kVA(as per starndard) 175 Earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) 220V/25mA | Earth leakage circuit breaker. Water lifting pump (FHR) 1 hp(l&T) 176 Steel rule 300 mm 177 Screw driver heavy duty 200mm 178 Screw Driver 100 mm 179 Terminal screw Driver 75 mm connecter) 180 Knife Electrician D.B. 181 Hammer Ball peen. 0.25 kg 182 Plumb bob 115gm 183 Neon tester pencil bit type 500V 184 Try square 200mm 185 Small crimping tools (assorted) 10-100 mm ( 5 Nos) 186 Screw driver set (set of 5) 100-300mm 187 File round 2nd cut 150mm 188 Soldering iron 60w/230V 189 Neon tester 230V 190 Forge with hand blower 191 Conduit pipe cutting and threading machines adjustable(for 15mm to 30mm) 192 Conduit pipe bending machine, suitable(for 15mm,18mm,25mm,& 30mm) 193 Bar magnet 194 Drill bit(6mm,8mm,10mm) 195 Horse shoe magnet 196 Crimping tool 25mm 197 Crimping tool for telephone/LAN cable 198 Rubber matting (2mtrx 1mtr x 9mm) 199 Wiring board on stand( 3 x1 mtr with 0.5 mtr projection on the top) 200 Set of Rowel punch 8,10mm 201 Rawal tool holder & Bit 8no ,10,14& 16

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1500 /-
INR 115000.0 /-
Tender Value
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