
Distribution and Conditioning, Valves, Control Valves, Valve, Electrical Industry, Connectors and Terminals, Electrodes, Electrical Product, Electrical Products, Safety and Security Equipment, Fire Prevention Equipments, Flame Detectors, Fire Fighting Equ, FOREIGN PORT / INDIAN PORT-Delhi

Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has published Distribution and Conditioning, Valves, Control Valves, Valve, Electrical Industry, Connectors and Terminals, Electrodes, Electrical Product, Electrical Products, Safety and Security Equipment, Fire Prevention Equipments, Flame Detectors, Fire Fighting Equ. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-09-2018. Control Valves Tenders in FOREIGN PORT / INDIAN PORT Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Distribution and Conditioning, Valves, Control Valves, Valve, Electrical Industry, Connectors and Terminals, Electrodes, Electrical Product, Electrical Products, Safety and Security Equipment, Fire Prevention Equipments, Flame Detectors, Fire Fighting Equ
Open Tender
Foreign Port / Indian Port

Tender Details

Procurement Of Spares => Short Tender Notice I System: Boiler Aalborg Mission Tm Om 35000, 320T1h Fboaa00051 Particulars Automatic, Forced Draft, 1-Ifo Burning, Water Tube, Evaporation-320T / H, Design Pressure-I 8Kg / Cm2, Working Pressure At Unloading: I6kg / Cm2, At Normal Sea Going 7Kg!Cm2; Feed Water Temp.: 50 Deg. Cent.; Main Burner: Saacke Ddz 12; Rd. Fan: Hn 1150-71010; Kind Of Fuel: Hfo Up To 700Cst At 50 Deg. Cent.; Wk Volume: 20000M3 ( Average Water Level ) ; Dimension Hxoia. 3900X9620 Maker Aalborg Industries I Serial No: I Subsystem: Spare-Boiler And Steamiwater System Isup0008i Maker: N / A 2915101 Filter Regulator With Automatic Drain 6050000076 Pneumatic Control Valve Dn 15, Pn 25 3. 6638233 Pressure Transmitter Mbs 5100, Size-O.25Bar 4. 8310000005 Ultrasonic Sensor For Oil Detection Equipment I Subsystem: Spare-Control Valves Premio 470-471 Isupooi41 Maker N / A 5. 0030 Actuator I Subsystem: Spare-Burner Parts List, Dwg.-0-0682-33801711-32 Fsupoo351 Square Sealing Ring For Compound Regulator Square Sealing Ring For Compound Regulator Flame Scanner Ffs 05 Flame Scanner Ffs 05 Light-Oil Igniter Type Zle 52C / 135 Microswitch With Roller Lever 731815-735403 / Line 20 12. 521130 Flame Detector Type F250, 24Vdc 13. 533836 Oil Flow Meter, Vzo 40 I Subsystem: Spare-Igniter Zo? 52 C1135 Nozzle 8.Okgih. 1350 Mm Long [ Supoo44i Parts List For Igniter Zle 52 C / 135 Nozzle 8.0Kg / H, 1350 Mm Long Maker: N / A 14. 2-3301-303927 ‘15. 2-3324-296517 16, 2-3324-296518 17. 4-3271-303928 18. 7-0350-005229 Pc / Each Pc / Each Pc / Each Pc / Each Pc / Each Pc / Each Pc / Each Pc / Each Pc / Each Pc I Each Pc / Each Pc / Each Pc I Each Pc / Each Pc / Each Pc / Each Pc / Each 1. 2. 0 0 0 0 Maker N / A 6. 000805 7. 000808 8. 298964 9. 298965 10. 303927 11. 516650 Pc / Each 0 Igniter Zle 52 Cli 35 Nozzle 8.0Kg / H, 1350 Mm Long Ignition Electrode Unit ( Left ) For Zle 52C Ignition

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