
Distribution and Conditioning, Boilers, Boiler Supply, Ducts, Duct Supply, Heating Equipment, Heater, Machinery and Tools, Material Handling Machinery, Conveyors and Accessories, Lifting Equipment, Fabrication and Casting, Fabrication Work, Hardware and F-Haryana

Cooperative Sugar Mills Societies has published Distribution and Conditioning, Boilers, Boiler Supply, Ducts, Duct Supply, Heating Equipment, Heater, Machinery and Tools, Material Handling Machinery, Conveyors and Accessories, Lifting Equipment, Fabrication and Casting, Fabrication Work, Hardware and F. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-10-2018. Boiler Supply Tenders in Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Distribution and Conditioning, Boilers, Boiler Supply, Ducts, Duct Supply, Heating Equipment, Heater, Machinery and Tools, Material Handling Machinery, Conveyors and Accessories, Lifting Equipment, Fabrication and Casting, Fabrication Work, Hardware and F
Open Tender

Tender Details

Contract For Dismantling, Fabrication And Erection Work -46. Any type of platform per Sqft. 47. Any type of gutter per Sqft. 48. Any type of patch work per Sqft. 49. Stair case up to 3 ft wide per runnig ft 50. Stair case above 3 ft wide per runnig ft 51. Monkey ladder per running ft length 52. Railing per running ft length 53. General M.S welding for running feet length. 54. Arcing of mill roller 55. Cleaning and welding of crown onion as per profile 56. Fabrication and errection of DSM bagasse scroll conveyor • 57. Fabrication and errection of mud scroll conveyor 58. Dismantling , fabrication and errection of cane un-loader runner. 59. • Partitoon plate of juice heaters are to be replacedwith new & necessary modification to be done. 60. Pan & Evaporator shell repairing/ patch work in running Sq. feet. 61. Dismantling , fabrication and errection of cane un-loader trolley. 62. Dismantling , fabrication and errection of catcher/ save all evaporator body & pans. 63. Dismantling and fitting of spray pond nozlies with PVC cluster (complete set). 64. Cleaning of spray pond nozzle during crushing season and replacement of nozlle if neceassary (complete set). 65. Repairing of cane un-loader. 66. Welding of tail bar & tail bar coupling. 67. Dismantling and fitting of knives of each cane cutter 72. Dismantling, fabrication and errection of APCM ducting. 72. Dismantling, fabrication and errection of hot water storage tank at boiler / patch work..75. Alignment of trough base plates of bagasse elevator/ B.0 per Sq.mtr. 76. Dismantling and fitting of side plates of cane carrier, bagasse elevator and MBC. 77. Fabrication and errection of DSM screen juice box and structure. 78. Repair of juice gutters below mill house by changing wornout nipple etc. Rates are in Sqr. Feet 79. Replacement of wornout parts of Hopper no. 1, 2 & 3 per Sqr. Feet length.

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Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 55 Lakhs /-
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