
Electrical Industry, Electrical Product, Bus Duct, Conductor, Electrical Work, Electrification Work, Generators, Electric Generator, Switches and Relay, Switch Supply, Transfomers, Transformer Supply, Electrical Cable, XLPE Cable, Distribution and Conditi, KUPWARA-Jammu And Kashmir

Jammu And Kashmir State Power Development Corporation Limited has published Electrical Industry, Electrical Product, Bus Duct, Conductor, Electrical Work, Electrification Work, Generators, Electric Generator, Switches and Relay, Switch Supply, Transfomers, Transformer Supply, Electrical Cable, XLPE Cable, Distribution and Conditi. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-10-2018. Bus Duct Tenders in KUPWARA Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Electrical Industry, Electrical Product, Bus Duct, Conductor, Electrical Work, Electrification Work, Generators, Electric Generator, Switches and Relay, Switch Supply, Transfomers, Transformer Supply, Electrical Cable, XLPE Cable, Distribution and Conditi
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Request For Proposal For Epc Execution Of 25 Mw Matchil Hep:-pumps, piping, valves, fittings and other accessories 4.31 Mobile oil charging and Purifying plants complete with pumps, hoses, air dryer, oil tanks and other 4.32 Machine tools, hand tools, measuring devices, testing devices and accessories for electrical and electronic 4.33 Mechanical Workshop equipment complete with machine tools, measuring tools, testing devices and 4.34 33kV OUTDOOR SWITCHYARD EQUIPMENT - Circuit breaker 4.35 33kV OUTDOOR SWITCHYARD EQUIPMENT - Isolator without earthing blade 4.36 33kV OUTDOOR SWITCHYARD EQUIPMENTIsolator with earthing blades 4.37 33kV OUTDOOR SWITCHYARD EQUIPMENT - Current transformers 4.38 33kV OUTDOOR SWITCHYARD EQUIPMENT - Potential transformers 4.39 33kV OUTDOOR SWITCHYARD EQUIPMENT - Lightning arrestors 4.40 Jumpers, conductor, clamps/connectors hardware’s and insulators 4.41 Main and auxiliary structures (MT) 4.42 Fencing and security 4.43 Lightning protection of power house and switchyard 4.44 RECEIVING END SUBSTATION - 11 KV Al. Conductor Armoured XLPE Cables 4.45 RECEIVING END SUBSTATION - 33 kV Al. conductor XLPE Ar. Cables 1Cx500 sqmm 4.46 Any other works not mentioned in the bid document/DPR but are essential for successful 5.00 Supply of Hydro-Mechanical Plant & Machinery 5.01 Supply of Structures, Wires, Cables and equipment etc. For Power Transmission line. 6.00 Transportation, Storage, Erection, Testing & 6.01 TCroamnsmpiosrstaiotionnin, gS toofr aHgyed, rEor-eMceticohn,a Tneicsatiln Pgl a&n t & Commissioning of Hydro-Mechanical Plant & 7.00 Transportation, Storage, Erection, Testing & 7.01 TCuormbimneis asniod naicncge sosf oHriyedsro-Mechanical Plant & 7.02 Digital governing system and accessories 7.03 Main inlet valve and accessories 7.04 Penstock butterfly valve and accessories 7.05 Generators 7.06 Static excitation system, dvr and accessories 7.07 11 kv bus duct 7.08 Gsu transformers

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 50000000.0 /-
Tender Value
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