Supply Of Chemical Kits And Glassware Items For Microbiology - 199. Graduated Cylinders Borosil Gum paper roll - HbsAg Rapid Kit Ani-[ICV Rapid Kit IIIV Kit (Rapid Tridot) -______ 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. HIV Immuno Comb 205. l-IIV (4th generation) P4 antigen detection kit 206. HIV Tn-dat + Ag 207. HIV I & 2 ELISA Kit 208. Westtrn Blot kit for 1-IIV 209. Hydrochloric Acid 210. Hydrogen Peroxide 211. IFA for autoantibodies against Liver, Kidney, Smooth Muscle 212. IFA for autoantibodes against ds DNA 213. IFAfor differentiation of antibodies against cell nuclei (ANA) 214. IFA for auto antibodies against Mito’hondria (AMA) including simultaneous confirmation of the subtype AMAM2 WA for detection of antibodies against granulocyte — cytoplasm (C ANCA/P ANCA). Imipcncm disc IOmcg-sdOl3 Inositol sugar RM-102 5 Inositol Disc India Ink — Hat bottom flask I. Indole Reagent (Paradimethyl aminobcnzal dchydc) I Powder) Inuline (Powder) 1 Inuline Disc 1 Iodine Crystal 5 L. arginine Hydrochloride I Laboratory tray Lacto phenol Cotton Blue Stain 1 Lactose Disc Lactose Powder 5 L — Canavanine Sulphate — 1. ANA PROFILES (nRNPISm, RNP-70, RNP C, Sm, I SSA, RO-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Sd, Jo-1,CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA,Nucleosomes, H istones, Rib,PP otein, AMA-M2 Control) ANA PROFILE MK(MI- 1 2,Ku,nRN P/Sm,Sm,SSA,RO-52,SS-B,ScI-70,PM- Sd, Jo-1,CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA,Nuclcosomcs, . Histones, Rib,P-Poein, AMA-M2 Control) — LIVER PROFILE 40 (AMA M2, 3E(BPO), Sp I 0O,PML,gp2 I O,LKM- 1 ,LC- 1,SLAJLP,Ro-52 Control) — GANGLIOSIDES PROFILE 2 lgG (GM I ,0M2,0M3,GD la,GD Ib,GTI b,GQ I b) GANGLIOSIDES PROFILE 2 1gM (GM1,GM2,GM3,GDla,GDIb,GT1b,GQlb) - 236. Neuronal Antigens Profile 20 (Amphiphysin,CV2,PNMA2 (Ma-2/Ta), Ri,Yo,1-Iu) — 237. ANCA IROFILE LIA (MPO, PRE & GBM) 238. GASTRO — LIA (tTG,ASCA, PCA, gliadin) - 239. LevofloxacinDisc5Mcg - 240. Light Green — 241. Liquid Paraffin 242. Linezolid 3omcg disc -