
Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Gear Product, Hardware and Fasteners, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Chemical Oil and Gas, Lubricants Supply, Engine Oil, Gear Oil, Hydraulic Oil, Lubricating Oils, Transformer Oil, Chemical Industry, , The Gurdaspur Co-op. Sugar Mills Ltd. Gurdaspur-Punjab

Department of Cooperation has published Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Gear Product, Hardware and Fasteners, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Chemical Oil and Gas, Lubricants Supply, Engine Oil, Gear Oil, Hydraulic Oil, Lubricating Oils, Transformer Oil, Chemical Industry, . Submission Date for this Tender is 23-08-2018. Bearings Tenders in The Gurdaspur Co-op. Sugar Mills Ltd. Gurdaspur Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Gear Product, Hardware and Fasteners, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Chemical Oil and Gas, Lubricants Supply, Engine Oil, Gear Oil, Hydraulic Oil, Lubricating Oils, Transformer Oil, Chemical Industry,
Open Tender
The Gurdaspur Co-Op. Sugar Mills Ltd. Gurdaspur

Tender Details

Supply Of Oil And Lubricants-1 Turbine Oil Servo Prime 46 Or Equivalent Turbine Oil Servo Prime 57 Or Equivalent Turbine Oil Servo Prime 68 Or Equivalent 2. Mill Bearing Oil Servo Sm 85 Or Equivalent 3. Engine Oil Servo Super 20W40 Or Equivalent 4. Gear Oil S-Mesh Sp150 Or Equivalent Gear Oil S-Mesh Sp 220 Or Equivalent Gear Oil S-Mesh Sp 320 Or Equivalent Gear Oil S-Mesh Sp460 Or Equivalent 5. General Machine Oil Servoline 220 6. Cylinder Oil Servocylinder C460 Or Equivalent Cylinder Oil Servocylinder C680 Or Equivalent 7. Hydraulic Oil ( Antiwear ) Servosystem 46 Hydraulic Oil ( Antiwear ) Servosystem 68 Hydraulic Oil ( Antiwear ) Servosystem 100 Hydraulic Oil ( Antiwear ) Servosystem 150 Hydraulic Oil ( Antiwear ) Servosystem 220 Hydraulic Oil ( Antiwear ) Servosystem 320 8. Open Gears Compound Servo Coat 120 Or Equivalent Open Gears Compound Servo Coat 140 Or Equivalent 9. Greases Servo Gem-2 Or Equivalent Greases Servo Gem-3 Or Equivalent 10. High Temp. Greases Servo Ht Servo Gem Ht Xx Or Equivalent 11. Servo Grease Mp-3 / Grease Ap3 Or Equivalent 12. Transformer Oil 13. Grease Anipro Ii / Servo Rix L-1 14. Turbol Oil - 46 15. Engine Oil Tc - 460 16. Oil No. Hitech -1 17. Oil No. Hitech -2 18. Mill Jute 220 19. Grease Tisona -2

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