
Chemical Oil and Gas, Gases, Industrial Gases, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Wax and Oil, Waxes, Electrical Industry, Battery and Cell, Dry Cell Batteries, Paper and Printing Services, Paper Materials, Book Supply, Paper Products, Printing and Writi, MARGHERITA-Assam

North Eastern Coalfields has published Chemical Oil and Gas, Gases, Industrial Gases, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Wax and Oil, Waxes, Electrical Industry, Battery and Cell, Dry Cell Batteries, Paper and Printing Services, Paper Materials, Book Supply, Paper Products, Printing and Writi. Submission Date for this Tender is 16-08-2018. Industrial Gases Tenders in MARGHERITA Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Chemical Oil and Gas, Gases, Industrial Gases, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Wax and Oil, Waxes, Electrical Industry, Battery and Cell, Dry Cell Batteries, Paper and Printing Services, Paper Materials, Book Supply, Paper Products, Printing and Writi
Open Tender

Tender Details

Annual Rate Contract For Supply Of Stationery Items:-47 item47 STAMP PAD (BIG) 48 item48 STAMP PAD (SMALL) 49 item49 STAMP PAD(INK) 500 ML BOTTLE 50 item50 OFFICE PIN (100 GRM PKT) 51 item51 GEM CLIP (100 PCS PKT) 52 item52 PAPER PUNCHING MACHINE (SMALL) 53 item53 SINGLE HOLE PUNCHING MACHINE 54 item54 GESTETNER CORRECTING FLUID 55 item55 STAPLER MACHINE (SMALL) 56 item56 STAPLER MACHINE (BIG) 57 item57 STAPLER PIN (SMALL) 58 item58 STAPLER PIN (24/17) 59 item59 STAPLER PIN (24/6) 60 item60 SEALING WAX(RED) 61 item61 DOT PEN (BLUE) 62 item62 REFILL DOT PEN(BLUE) PKT CONTG- 10 PCS 63 item63 REFILL DOT PEN (RED)PKT. CONTG- 10 PCS 64 item64 DOT PEN(RED+BLUE) 65 item65 CELLO TAPE ½” WIDE*30 MTR 66 item66 CELLO TAPE 1” WIDE*30MTR 67 item67 CELLO TAPE 2” WIDE*30 MTR 68 item68 MEASUREMENT TAPE (FIBREGLASS) 30 MTR LONG 69 item69 SHORT HAND BOOK OF 100 LEAVES 70 item70 BOARD PIN (20 PCS) 71 item71 WOODEN PENCIL(10PCS) 72 item72 ERASER FOR PENCIL 73 item73 ERASER FOR T/W 74 item74 WASTE PAPER BUSKET PLASTIC 75 item75 PENCIL SHARPENER 76 item76 PAPER CLIP PLASTIC 77 item77 WATER SPONGE POT 78 item78 BINDING THREAD 50 GRM 79 item79 FEVICOL 500 GRM 80 item80 SUTLI 81 item81 PHENYL 500ML 82 item82 PENCIL BATTERY 83 item83 TORCH CELL(BIG) 3 BATTERIES 84 item84 TORCH CELL(MED) 2 BATTERIES 85 item85 PAD & LOCK 50MM 86 item86 PAD & LOCK 38MM 87 item87 PAD & LOCK 75MM 88 item88 CALCULATOR 12 DIGIT 89 item89 CHART PAPER (WHITE) 90 item90 PLASTIC BUCKET 91 item91 PLASTIC JUG 92 item92 SKETCH PEN 93 item93 MARKER PEN(GREEN) 94 item94 HIGHLIGHTER PEN (GREEN/YELLOW) 95 item95 COLOR PEN DIFFERENT COLOR 96 item96 OFFICE PAPER TRAY 97 item97 TABLE PEN STAND 98 item98 WRITING PAD(BIG) 99 item99 WRITING PAD(MED) 100 item100 PAPER WEIGHT 101 item101 WOODEN SCALE 12” 102 item102 AMMONIA PRINTING PAPER 10MTR(L)*1.02MTR(b) 103 item103 AMMONIA GAS 450ML PER BOTTLE 104 item104 TRACING FILM 125 MICRON

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 7891.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 3.94 Lakhs /-
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