
Vehicles and Accessories, Railway Machinery, Railway Ancillaries, Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, Connectors Supply, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Springs, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Tools, RITES LTD-Haryana

Rites Limited has published Vehicles and Accessories, Railway Machinery, Railway Ancillaries, Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, Connectors Supply, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Springs, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Tools. Submission Date for this Tender is 30-07-2018. Railway Ancillaries Tenders in RITES LTD Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Vehicles and Accessories, Railway Machinery, Railway Ancillaries, Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, Connectors Supply, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Springs, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Tools
Open Tender
Rites Ltd

Tender Details

Supply Of Maintenance And Overhauling Tools-Tools, Gauges, Jigs & Fixtures-66 REMOVER Gearcase cap 67 GAUGE Brush slot -traction mtr. 68 KNIFE Burring - t.m. comm. bar 69 BLADE Burring knife 70 METER Volt/ohm/milliammeter 71 TOOL Aligning - spring cell 72 SOCKET Diode removal 73 DIGITAL THERMOMETER 74 SURFACE TEMPERATURE PROBE 75 WRENCH Torque - 0-50 ft./lbs 76 STONE GRIND - medium grade 77 TESTER Mega ohmmeter 78 Crimper wire #6 79 Socket Kit-Power-Torx 80 Rivet-1 Button - 1Huck Bolt 81 High-Voltage Probe/Meter 82 3 Leg DCL Capacitor Shorting Cable 83 4 Leg Main Busbar Shorting Cable 84 6 Leg External TCC Shorting Cable 85 7 Leg Grounding Capacitor Shorting Cable 86 7 Leg Phase Module Shorting Cable 87 DCL Capacitor Cover 88 Phase Module Roller Table 89 Compressor - Exhaust Valve Spring 90 Adapter - Spring Compressor 91 Reamer - Cylinder Test Valve 92 Remover & Installer - Cylinder Head 93 Handle - Extension (used with 8034085) 94 Remover - Piston Snap Ring 95 Extension - Rod to Pin 96 Alignment Kit - Engine to Generator 97 Indicator - Alignment, Engine to Generator 98 Torque Wrench Kit - Exhaust Manifold 99 Box - Exhaust Manifold Torque Wrench Kit 100 Cap Tool - Main Bearing 101 Guide - Piston Ring Compressor 102 Fixture - Holder for piston carrier 103 Jack - Hydraulic Engine Barring (230 Volt) 104 Backlash Tool - Water Pump 105 Gauge - .060 (GO) Lash Adjuster Setting 106 Gauge - .100 (SET) Lash Adjuster Setting 107 Gauge - .140 (NO GO) Lash Adjuster Setting 108 Compressor Removal Tool Kit 109 LAMP - Test 110 TOOL - Digital Protractor, Radar 111 HARDWARE KIT - Miscellaneous Terminals & Connectors 112 TOOL - Insertion, T/M spd probe Interface Module connector 113 TOOL - Crimper, T/M spd probe Interface Module connector 114 TURRET HEAD - For Crimper 40118481 115 TOOL - Extraction, T/M spd probe Interface Module connector

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 317124.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 3.17 Crore /-
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