
Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine-Kerala

Hll Lifecare Limited has published Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-07-2018. Medicine Tenders in Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Pharmaceutical Products .- 311 Clomipramine Capsule IP 25mg (Offered Tablet) 312 Sertaline Tablet 100mg 313 Mometasone Aqueous Nasal Spray IP 50mcg 120MD Bottle 314 Pralidoxime Chloride lnjection IP 25mg/ml 1 G Vial 315 Phenytoin Injection IP 50mg/ml 2 ml Amp 316 Aciclovir Intravenous Infusion IP 500mg/vial Vial 317 Tobramycin Injection IP 80mg 2 ml Vial 318 Cisplatin Injection IP 10mg 10ml Vial 319 Cytarabine Injection IP 100mg 1ml Vial 320 L - Asparaginase lnjection 5000 KU. 1ml vial321 Vinblastine Injection IP 10 mg 10 ml Vial 322 Protamine Sulphate Injection IP 10mg / ml 5 ml Amp 323 Sodium Nitroprusside Injection 50mg / 5ml 5ml Vial 324 Nitroglycerin Injection 5mg/ml 5ml Amp 325 Phenoxybenzamine Injection 50mg /ml 1ml Amp 326 Tropicamide Eye Drops IP 1% 5 ml vial 327 Tropicamide and Phenylephrine Eye Drops 0.8% + 5% 5 ml Bottle 328 Oxymetazoline Hcl Nasal Drop 0.05% 10ml Bottle. 329 Clotrimazole Ear Drop 1% 10ml vial 330 Vasopressin Injection IP 20 IU 1ml Amp 331 Propofol lnjection IP 10mg / ml 20 ml Vial 332 Linezolid Infusion 2mg /ml 300 ml Bottle 333 Fluconazole Injection 200mg / 100ml 100 ml Bottle 334 Netlimicin Injection 300mg/3ml 3ml Amp 335 Doxorubicin Injection IP 10mg 5ml Vial 336 Doxorubicin Injection IP 50mg 25ml Vial 337 Etoposide Injection IP 100 mg / 5 ml 5ml Vial 338 Leucovorin Calcium Injection 50mg 5ml Vial 339 Atracurium Injection 10 mg/ ml 2.5 ml Amp 340 Octreotide Injection 50mcg 1ml Amp 341 Bupivacaine Injection IP 50mg /10ml 20 ml Vial 342 Teicoplanin Injection 200mg Vial 343 Teicoplanin Injection 400mg Vial 344 Bleomycin Injection IP 15mg Amp 345 Cytarabine Injection IP 1000 mg 10ml Vial 346 Heparin lnjection IP 5000 IU / ml. 5 ml vial 347 Phytomenadione Injection 10mg/ mI 1 ml Ampoule 348 Enoxaparin Injection IP 20mg 0.2ml PFS 349 Dobutamine Injection 50mg/ml 5 ml Vial 350 Isoxsuprine Injection IP 5 mg / ml 2ml Amp

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INR 100000.0 /-
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