
Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Bushings, Hardware and Fasteners, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Retaining Hardware, Gaskets and Seals, Seals, Vehicles and Accessories, Railway Machinery, Railway Ancillaries, Scientific Instrument, I, 3 Adv Base Wksp, Dhar Road, Udhampur-Jammu And Kashmir

Indian Army has published Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Bushings, Hardware and Fasteners, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Retaining Hardware, Gaskets and Seals, Seals, Vehicles and Accessories, Railway Machinery, Railway Ancillaries, Scientific Instrument, I. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-07-2018. Bearings Tenders in 3 Adv Base Wksp, Dhar Road, Udhampur Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Bushings, Hardware and Fasteners, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Retaining Hardware, Gaskets and Seals, Seals, Vehicles and Accessories, Railway Machinery, Railway Ancillaries, Scientific Instrument, I
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir
3 Adv Base Wksp, Dhar Road, Udhampur

Tender Details

Procurement Of Spares For Kraz Vehicle-1.51 LAMP ROOF COMPLETE214B-3715024 1.52 R.H.TAIL LAMP FP101GFP101-3716000G1.53 CAB LIGHTING LAMPFP12-3716000-G 1.54 AIR PRESSURE DROP SIGNAL SWITCH DK 34 VK34-3720000 1.55 Horn Low Tone S-306 S306G-372100 1.56 Horn high Tone S-307 S307G-372100 1.57 TRAILER PLUG SOCKETPS300A-3723100 1.58 TURN INDICATOR RELAY RS401 RS401-3726000-G 1.59 SPEEDOMETER SP 135 SP135-3802010 1.6 FUEL LEVEL GAUGEUB125-3806010-G4 1.61 Air Pressure Gauge MDMD213-381050 1.62 3 POINT JUNCTION/CONNECTOR FOR THREE TERMINAL3723000-A2 GASKET DRIVEN GEAR SHAFT BEARING RR CAP210A- 1.63 4202087 1.64 Cock Assy (Tyre Valve)255B-4224110 1.65 GASKET SEAL WINCH REDUCTION GEAR BRAKE CASE214- 4501157 1.66 OIL SEAL210-4501100 1.67 GASKET DOOR WINDOW DROP GLASS214-6103218 1.68 DOOR HINGES214-61060181.69 Door Rear Weather Stri214-6107042-B2 1.7 DOOR LOWER WHETHER STRIP214-6107048-B1 1.71 CHANNEL RUN SIDE DOOR WINDOW DROP GLASS WINDOW214-6103268 1.72 ACTUATOR RH LOCKA-31-6105000 1.73 ACTUATOR LH LOCKA-32-6105000 1.74 FENDER BUMPER256-8403210 1.75 PLUG DRAIN COCK256B-1101078 1.76 FILTER FILLER NECK256B-1101065-01 1.77 FILTER FILLER NECK256B-1101065-01 1.78 GASKET BRACKET256B-1101106-10 Cock Assy dist with fu257-1104469B 1.79 1.8 Gasket256-1203039 1.81 CLUTCH/ GUARD/ BOOT PADEL/ SEAL256B-1602035 1.82 BRACKET BUSHING214B-1602069 1.83 GLAND OIL SEAL210-1701210-A 1.84 CLAMP288007-P29S1.85 PAD REAR210-1801030-A 1.86 FRONT PAD210-1801032-B2 1.87 GASKET POWER TAKE OFF HOUSING AND TFRCASE FRT PART UPPER INSP HOLE COVER210-1802017 1.88 GLAND RING OIL210-1802048-A 1.89 WEATHER STRIP WINDSHIELD214-5206050 1.9 BLADE LEVER440E-5205500 1.91 BLADE ASSY WIPER BLADESL440E-5205800 1.92 CHANNEL RUN UPPER DOOR WINDOW DROP GLASS COMPLETE214-6103258-B 1.93 SPRING HOLDER256-8201076 1.94 Channel Upper Drop2146108255B LOCK256-8680410-3 1.95 1.96 GASKET DRIVEN GEAR FRONT BRARING CAP210-2204091

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 37000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 12.31 Lakhs /-
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