
Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape Supply, Scientific Instrument, Electrical Measuring and Testing Equipment, Multimeters, Electrical Industry, Light and Bulbs, LED Ligh-Haryana

Government Industrial Training Institute has published Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape Supply, Scientific Instrument, Electrical Measuring and Testing Equipment, Multimeters, Electrical Industry, Light and Bulbs, LED Ligh. Submission Date for this Tender is 02-07-2018. Bolts Tenders in Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape Supply, Scientific Instrument, Electrical Measuring and Testing Equipment, Multimeters, Electrical Industry, Light and Bulbs, LED Ligh
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Tools And Equipments :- 495 ELECTRONIC MECH. Tubular box spanner (set of 6 no.) 496 ELECTRONIC MECH. Mobile phone (different models) at least one 3G mobile 497 ELECTRONIC MECH. Smart phones of different make (android/Windows) 498 ELECTRONIC MECH. Led lighting system 499 ELECTRONIC MECH. Digital Multimeter 3 1/2 digit 500 ELECTRONIC MECH. Tools Makers vice 100mm 501 ELECTRONIC MECH. Tools Makers vice 50mm 502 ELECTRONIC MECH. Continuity Tester 503 MACHINIST GRINDER/PLUMBER File Flat Rough 300mm 504 MACHINIST GRINDER Gauge, Morse Taper, Plug Nos.1,2,3,4 505 MACHINIST GRINDER Oil Stone Carborandum, Coarse on one side and fine on the other 200x50x25mm 506 MACHINIST GRINDER Oil Stone Carborandum, Coarse on one side and fine on other slip 100x12mm triangular 507 MACHINIST GRINDER Oil Stone Carborandum, Coarse on one side and fine on other slip 100x18mm triangular 508 MACHINIST GRINDER Table chuck 75 mm jaw swivel base 200 mm dia. 3 jaw with bolting arrangement and graduated in degrees 509 MACHINIST GRINDER Drill twist (straight shank) 1/8 to 1/2 by 1/64 510 MACHINIST GRINDER Drill twist (metric) 3mm to 12mm,in step of 1mm 511 MACHINIST GRINDER Hammer (nylon face) 30 mm 512 MACHINIST GRINDER Magnetic stand flexible type base 60 mm x 47.5 mm magnetic power 75 kg. ON-OFF lever control 513 MACHINIST GRINDER Cutter Clearance Gauge to suit clearance all cutter diameters angle 0-30Degree 514 MACHINIST GRINDER Glass show case for displayb of jobs 450 mm x 600 x 850mm 515 MACHINIST GRINDER Shadeograph projector with diascopic and epidia sopic projection,magnification 50, 100, 200, rotary screen 1 minute accuracy and centering,attachment. 516 MACHINIST GRINDER Gause morse taper ring 1,2,3,4 517 FITTER Staight edge 45cm *38mm steel 518 FITTER Punch Hollow 6mm to 19 set of 5 519 FITTER File warding 15cm smooth 520 FITTER File knife edge 15cm smooth

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 40 Lakhs /-
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