
Vehicles and Accessories, Railway Machinery, Railway Ancillaries, Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Springs, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Tools and General Machinery, Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools, Safe-Haryana

Government Industrial Training Institute has published Vehicles and Accessories, Railway Machinery, Railway Ancillaries, Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Springs, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Tools and General Machinery, Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools, Safe. Submission Date for this Tender is 02-07-2018. Railway Ancillaries Tenders in Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Vehicles and Accessories, Railway Machinery, Railway Ancillaries, Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Springs, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Tools and General Machinery, Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools, Safe
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Tools And Equipments :-200 MMV Carburetor repair tool kit 201 MMV Coil spring compressor for suspension spring 202 MMV Connecting rod alignment fixture 203 MMV Cut section Model of Mock layout of a motor car -electrical system working model 204 MMV Cut section working model of automatic transmission Gear box 205 MMV Cut section working model of centrifugal clutch assembly. 206 MMV Cylinder bore gauge capacity 20 to 160 mm 207 MMV Cylinder liner- Dry & wet liner, press fit & slidefit liner 208 MMV Demonstration board of 2W Ignition system, ignition coil 209 MMV Demonstration board of electronic Ignition system, ignition coil 210 MMV Demonstration board of MPFI system 211 MMV Different type of Engine Bearing model 212 MMV Different type of piston model 213 MMV Disk brake with caliper assembly 214 MMV/MABP File, triangular 15 cm second cut 215 MMV/MABP/MABR Files assorted sizes and types including safe edge file (20 Nos) 216 MMV/MABP/MABR Fire Extinguishers, firstaid box- as required 217 MMV Flat File 35 cm bastard 218 MMV Front axle ( Rzeeppa Joint) with stand for Dismantling and assembly 219 MMV Fuel injection pump dismantling tool kit /Universal Vice 220 MMV Functional/experiment model of different type of sensors. 221 MMV/MABP Gloves for Welding (Leather and Asbestos) 222 MMV Glow plug tester 223 MMV Granite surface plate 1600 x 1000 with stand and cover 224 MMV Grease Gun heavy duty trolley type 10 kg capciaty 225 MMV/ELECTRONICS MECH./MACHINIST GRINDER/ELECTRICI AN Hacksaw frame adjustable 20-30 cm 226 MMV/MABR Hand vice - 37 mm 227 MMV Horn and Horn relay 228 MMV Injector cleaning unit 229 MMV/MABP Left cut snips 250mm 230 MMV/MABR Marking out table 90X60X90 cm. 231 MMV Pneumatic rivet gun with standard accessories 232 MMV Radiator cut sectioncross flow 233 MMV Radiator cut sectiondown flow 234 MMV Scraper flat 25 cm 235 MMV/MABP/MABR Shear Tin Mans 450 mm x 600mm 236 MM

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 40 Lakhs /-
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