
Corrigendum - Supply Of Medical Physics Dosimetry & Mould Room Equipment - Radiation Field Analyser, Parameter, Electrometer &Chambers, c QA Tools (Daily QA for Linac) IMRT QA {Fixed beam) IMRT (Rotational) Film Dosimetry System D Phantoms 1, IMRT/3D OA Phantom 2. Solid Water slab phantom (30cmx30cm) 3. Water phantom (absolute dosimetry) Parameter 15x15x30 4. TPR Beam Quality Pharitom 5x10 5. Mini Phantom for Photons 25x25x5 6. Electron R50 Phantom 5. survey meters G Zone Monitors Diagnostic QA tools CTDI Phantom Pencil ionization chamber and Reader CT Phantom I Pocket Dosimeter J Barometer Thermometer K ,Humidtty , Haffkine Biopharmaceutical Corporation Ltd, Achar-Maharashtra

Haffkine Bio Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited has published Corrigendum - Supply Of Medical Physics Dosimetry & Mould Room Equipment - Radiation Field Analyser, Parameter, Electrometer &Chambers, c QA Tools (Daily QA for Linac) IMRT QA {Fixed beam) IMRT (Rotational) Film Dosimetry System D Phantoms 1, IMRT/3D OA Phantom 2. Solid Water slab phantom (30cmx30cm) 3. Water phantom (absolute dosimetry) Parameter 15x15x30 4. TPR Beam Quality Pharitom 5x10 5. Mini Phantom for Photons 25x25x5 6. Electron R50 Phantom 5. survey meters G Zone Monitors Diagnostic QA tools CTDI Phantom Pencil ionization chamber and Reader CT Phantom I Pocket Dosimeter J Barometer Thermometer K ,Humidtty . Submission Date for this Tender is 02-07-2018. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in Haffkine Biopharmaceutical Corporation Ltd, Achar Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum - Supply Of Medical Physics Dosimetry & Mould Room Equipment - Radiation Field Analyser, Parameter, Electrometer &Chambers, c QA Tools (Daily QA for Linac) IMRT QA {Fixed beam) IMRT (Rotational) Film Dosimetry System D Phantoms 1, IMRT/3D OA Phantom 2. Solid Water slab phantom (30cmx30cm) 3. Water phantom (absolute dosimetry) Parameter 15x15x30 4. TPR Beam Quality Pharitom 5x10 5. Mini Phantom for Photons 25x25x5 6. Electron R50 Phantom 5. survey meters G Zone Monitors Diagnostic QA tools CTDI Phantom Pencil ionization chamber and Reader CT Phantom I Pocket Dosimeter J Barometer Thermometer K ,Humidtty
Open Tender
Haffkine Biopharmaceutical Corporation Ltd, Achar

Tender Details

Corrigendum - Supply Of Medical Physics Dosimetry & Mould Room Equipment - Radiation Field Analyser, Parameter, Electrometer &Chambers, c QA Tools (Daily QA for Linac) IMRT QA {Fixed beam) IMRT (Rotational) Film Dosimetry System D Phantoms 1, IMRT/3D OA Phantom 2. Solid Water slab phantom (30cmx30cm) 3. Water phantom (absolute dosimetry) Parameter 15x15x30 4. TPR Beam Quality Pharitom 5x10 5. Mini Phantom for Photons 25x25x5 6. Electron R50 Phantom 5. survey meters G Zone Monitors Diagnostic QA tools CTDI Phantom Pencil ionization chamber and Reader CT Phantom I Pocket Dosimeter J Barometer Thermometer K ,Humidtty

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INR 150000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 2 Crore /-
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