
Chemical Oil and Gas, Additives Supply, Additive, Paints and Primers, Miscellaneous Finishes, Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Nails Supply, Screws, Services, Space Planning and Designing, Furnishing Work, Const, Srinagar-Jammu And Kashmir

Military Engineer Services has published Chemical Oil and Gas, Additives Supply, Additive, Paints and Primers, Miscellaneous Finishes, Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Nails Supply, Screws, Services, Space Planning and Designing, Furnishing Work, Const. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-07-2018. Additive Tenders in Srinagar Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Chemical Oil and Gas, Additives Supply, Additive, Paints and Primers, Miscellaneous Finishes, Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Nails Supply, Screws, Services, Space Planning and Designing, Furnishing Work, Const
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Tender For Provision Of Bazar Supply Material For Misc B/R And Electromechanical Items :-1.87 Mild steel screws full threaded 50mm size as ordered in packet , completed all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge 20 100 Nos 1.88 MS Butt hinges medium weight 75mm Make :Maruti ISI marked or equivalent as approved by GE 60 Each 1.89 MS Butt hinges medium weight 100mm Make : Maruti ISI marked or equivalent as approved by GE 80 Each 1.90 Aluminium tower bolt 100mm ISI marked Make : Classic ISI marked or equivalent as approved by GE 60 Each 1.91 Aluminium tower bolt 150mm ISI marked Make : Classic ISI marked or equivalent as approved by GE 80 Each 1.92 Aluminium handles, cast type, anodised 100mm size Make : Classic ISI marked or equivalent as approved by GE 60 Each 1.93 Aluminium handles, cast type, anodised 150mm size Make : Classic or equivalent 80 Each 1.94 Aluminium Sliding Door bolts with hasp, staple (bolt type) acessories 300mm long, Make : Classic ISI marked or equivalent as approved by GE 80 Each 1.95 Stainless Steel hasp & staple 150mm with mild steel hinge pin, completed all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge 80 Each 1.96 Nails of different size as ordered, completed all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge 140 Kg 1.97 Patches road repair material containing 5% modified bitumen anti striping agent pressure senstivie and water proofing enclapsulation additives with graded crushed lime stone in 25 Kg BagMake : STP/ Shalipatch or equivalent 50 Each Bag 1.98 Black Polythene sheet 150micron thick, completed all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge 250 Sqm 1.99 Powder coated wooden finish 28mm dia MS curtain rod, completed all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge 150 RM 2.000 PVC Finials suitable for 28mm dia curtain rod, completed all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge 160 Each 2.010 PVC Brackets suitable for 28mm dia curtain rod, completed all as specified & directed

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 30000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 15 Lakhs /-
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