
Construction, Building Material, Angle, Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, General Hardware, Screws, Springs, Tools and General Machinery, Wrenches and Drivers, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape Supply, Auction, Textile Scrap, Textile Scraps, -Haryana

Cooperative Sugar Mills Societies has published Construction, Building Material, Angle, Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, General Hardware, Screws, Springs, Tools and General Machinery, Wrenches and Drivers, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape Supply, Auction, Textile Scrap, Textile Scraps, . Submission Date for this Tender is 30-05-2018. Angle Tenders in Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Construction, Building Material, Angle, Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, General Hardware, Screws, Springs, Tools and General Machinery, Wrenches and Drivers, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape Supply, Auction, Textile Scrap, Textile Scraps,
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of GENERAL MILL STORE ITEMS :-1. H.S Blade ½”x 12” L.A 2. H.S Blade ½”x 12” 3. Cotton Waste 4. Emery Cloth Rough 5. Emery Cloth Fine 6. Old Dhoti (5 Mtr) Long 7. White lead Sakure 8. Graphite Powder Gritless (500 gram packing) 9. M.S Seal 10. Teflon Tape ¾” 11. Grinding wheel 1½”x1½”x12” 12. T.S. Drill 1/8” 13. T.S. Drill 5/32” 14. T.S. Drill 3/16” 15. T.S. Drill ¼” 16. T.S. Drill 9/32” 17. T.S. Drill5/16” 18. T.S. Drill 3/8” 19. T.S. Drill 15/32” 20. T.S. Drill 5/8” 21. T.S. Drill 21/32” 22. T.S. Drill 23/32” 23. T.S. Drill 3/4” 24. T.S. Drill 7/8” 25. T.S. Drill 15/16” 26. T.S. Drill 31/32” 27. Tap Set (B.S.W)(H.S.S)5/8” 28. Tap Set (B.S.P)(H.S.S)3/8” 29. Chalk stick PKT. 30. Neoprime Rubber Sheet (black) (Synthetic) 3MM x 1Mtr x 2Mtr 31. Neoprime Rubber Sheet (black) (Synthetic) 6MM x 1Mtr x 2Mtr 32. Straight Pin Hammer 33. Drill Socket Set (1-2) (2-3) (3-4) 34. Sliding Bolt 8” 35. Tower Bolt 6” 36. Tin cutter 18” 37. Screw Driver Set 38. Wood cutter 10” 39. Hand Saw 15” 40. Door Spring 41. Triangular file 5” (with handle) 42. Triangular file 6” (with handle) 43. Carpanter chise (chorsi)1½” 44. Carpanter chise (chorsi)1¼” 45. Wooden Screw 35-8 46. Wooden Screw 25-6 47. Wooden Screw 20-5 48. 12. M.S Round 3/8” 49. M.S Round ½” 50. M.S Round 5/8” 51. M.S Round 3/4” 52. M.S Round7/8” 53. M.S Round 1” 54. M.S Round 1¼” 55. M.S Round 1½” 56. M.S Round 2” 57. M.S Round 2½” 58. M.S Round 3” 59. M.S Sheet 1/16”x 4’x 8’ 60. M.S Sheet 1/8”x 4’x 8’ 61. M.S Angle ¼”x 1”x 1” 62. M.S Angle ¼”x 1¼”x 1¼” 63. M.S Angle ¼”x 1½”x 1½”

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