
Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, Nuts Supply, Nozzle, Washers, Tools and General Machinery, Spare Part, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape Supply, Electrical Industry, Electrical Product, Conductor, Electrical Engine, Diesel Engines, Agricult, NIYARI-Jammu And Kashmir

Indian Army has published Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, Nuts Supply, Nozzle, Washers, Tools and General Machinery, Spare Part, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape Supply, Electrical Industry, Electrical Product, Conductor, Electrical Engine, Diesel Engines, Agricult. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-06-2018. Bolts Tenders in NIYARI Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Machinery and Tools, Hardware and Fasteners, Bolts, Nuts Supply, Nozzle, Washers, Tools and General Machinery, Spare Part, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape Supply, Electrical Industry, Electrical Product, Conductor, Electrical Engine, Diesel Engines, Agricult
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Supply Of Op Wks Stores In Jammu And Kashmir-General Items-(s) ISMB 150 (RSJ 150 x 75mm), 3.96 mtr long conforming to IS 808-1973. Make: TATA/SAIL/Jindal or as per Annex I & II. (t) ISMB 150 (RSJ 150 x 75mm), 3.75 mtr long conforming to IS 808-1973. Make: TATA/SAIL/Jindal or as per Annex I & II. (u) Galvanised steel barbed wire (v) Punched Tape concertina coil (including spike and handle) with 50 turns and dia 1050 mm w) Erection Tools x) MS hexagonal nuts, Bolts and washers 12 mm dia 40 mm long for Steel Roofing Trough (SRT) y) Heating Device (Kerosene Based) . (x) Supply of store for jelly filled lightening conductor complete as per Store list att as Annex IV (aa) Fire extinguisher 02 Kgs capacity, ABC powder –MAP-90 alongwith its accessories conforming to IS 13849 Make- Ceasefire/Lightex/Firebird/Firex. (ab) Supply of Agricultural sprayer 16 Ltr capacity (fibre body) with conical, dual conical and 4 hole nozzle. Ideal for spraying water, fertilisers, herbicides, pesticides, etc. Make : Nature Gold or equivalent (Sample to be approved before supply) (ac) Supply of lightening conductor tester with all accessories. (bd) Triplex plunger pump Make:PEC @550 RPM with discharge capacity of 26 LPM and working pressure 40 kg/cm sq coupled with 6 HP Kirlosker/Greaves diesel engine aligned on a common base frame complete with all fittings and accessories. (be) GI wire chain link fancing of 1.8 mtr wide, dia of wire wiil be 4mm and mesh size will be 100 x 100 mm. (Sample to be approved before supply) (bf) Angle iron of size 65x65x6 mm confirming to relevant IS. Make: TATA/SAIL/Jindal or as per Annex I & II. (bg) Angle iron of size 30x30x4 mm confirming to relevant IS. Make: TATA/SAIL/Jindal or as per Annex I & II. (bh) MS Tubular pipe 32 mm dia. Make: TATA/SAIL/Jindal or as per Annex I & II. (bj) MS Flat iron 40x6 mm. Make: TATA/SAIL/Jindal or as per Annex I & II.

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 1350000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 4.50 Crore /-
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