
Scientific Instrument, Liquid Gas Flow Measuring Instruments, Flowmeters, Machinery and Tools, Tools and General Machinery, Spare Part-Jharkhand

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited has published Scientific Instrument, Liquid Gas Flow Measuring Instruments, Flowmeters, Machinery and Tools, Tools and General Machinery, Spare Part. Submission Date for this Tender is 30-03-2018. Flowmeters Tenders in Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Scientific Instrument, Liquid Gas Flow Measuring Instruments, Flowmeters, Machinery and Tools, Tools and General Machinery, Spare Part
Open Tender

Tender Details

AMC WITH ALL SPARES FOR FMC AND TELTECH MAKE BULK FLOWMETERS AT BPCL RANCHI DEPOT ( APRIL 2018 TO MARCH 2020 ) The Service feature of the proposed AMC for TELTECH AND FMC make flowmeters at BPCL RANCHI depot will be as under: a ) The service engineer will visit every quarter ( Starting from 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2020 ) & during each visit he will carry out preventive maintenance and carry out checks and services of the meters and accessories and replace the parts if required at their own cost. b ) During such quarterly visits the accuracy of bulk flow meters would be checked by the representative of contractor and would satisfy the operations officer of the location. c ) Free visit on the break down maintenance also would be ensured by the service engineer. d ) The Service Engineer will provide the technical assistance for calibration during stamping by the Legal Meteorological Department. e ) The Service Engineer will also provide necessary training to the location staff for running the meters effectively. f ) Payment will be made on quarterly basis ( subject to the performance of that period ) within 15 days of receipt of bill from the contractor completed in all respects. The party along with the bill shall submit a certificate from operation officers or location In charges with his seal & signature confirming that the representative of the company has checked the accuracy of the meters & the same is in line with our requirement & the meters are serviced properly. Please fill in your quotation ( including all taxes & duties ) by in respect of maintenance of bulk meters. The maintenance contract rates will be valid for a period of two years from the date of acceptance of offer. The other terms & conditions of the maintenance contract are enclosed: 1. Supply of Materials & Labour: a ) The contractor shall furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labour for the maintenance jobs of bulk flow meters and will assure all responsibility for the safety, protection and accounting of all materials / equipment used by them during work. b ) All materials supplied by the contractor shall be of the best quality, conforming to the required specifications and will be subject to the approval of the companys authorized representative. 2. Inspection of work: During progress of the work, the engineer or any other representative of the company shall be entitled at all times to have access to and inspect the work. 3. The contractor shall ensure the following: a ) All the spares will be supplied by the contractor at their cost for the entire contract period. b ) All service personnel must use personal protective equipment as prescribed by Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited from time to time. c ) The contractor must have valid licenses for maintenance of bulk flow meters from respective State Legal Metrology Deptt. & revalidate the same from time to time for the entire period of contract. Copy of such licenses should be submitted to Location In Charge with the original for verification. d ) The contractor must submit the copy of license along with quotation. If any party fails to submit the copy of the license along with quotation the offer will be rejected. 4. Workmens Compensation Liability: The Contractor, his heirs, executors and administrator ( and in the case of a Limited Company, its successors and assigns ) shall hold the Company harmless and indemnified from and against all claims, costs and charges for which the Company shall be liable under the Workmen s Compensation Act, and any enactment for the time being in force in that behalf and any amendments there of and the expenses to which it shall be put thereunder, both in respect of personal injuries ( which the meaning of the said Act ) to the employees and servants of the Contractors, if any, and / or permitted assigns, arising out of or occasioned during the currency of this Agreement, through the acts, or omissions whether due to negligence or otherwise of the Contractor, sub-contractor ( s ) , permitted assigns and also in respect of the personal injuries ( as understood under the said Act ) to the servants and employees of the Company arising out of or occasioned through, the acts and commissions whether due to negligence or otherwise, of the Contractor, sub-contractor ( s ) permitted assigns and / or his servants and employees in carrying out any of the provisions of this Agreement. The Contractor shall further indemnify the Company against such claims from third parties in respect of injuries arising out of or occasioned through the acts and omissions, whether due to negligence or otherwise, of the Contractor, sub-contractors permitted assigns and / or his servants and employees in carrying out any of the provisions of this Agreement. 5. Restriction to seek employment from the Company: That it is explicitly understood between the Company and the Contractor that by virtue of this Maintenance Agreement the Contractor, sub-Contractor or any person employed / engaged by the said Contractor / sub-contractor will not seek a regular employment from the Company under any circumstances whatsoever nor they will have any claim or damages against this Company in this regard. That the Contractor herein shall further indemnify the Company against any such claim or damages and also make good any expenses or cost to be incurred by the Company in defending itself against such claim or damages. 6. Liability under Employees state Insurance Act: Whenever the Company is required to pay contributions in respect of the workmen or employees engaged or employed by or through the Contractor, his sub-contractor or permitted assigns, under the Employees State Insurance Act or the Rules and Regulations made thereunder either as the Principal Employer or other wise howsoever, the Company shall be entitled to recover from the Contractor such contributions which the Company may pay. The Contractor will discharge his responsibilities under the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 as an immediate employer of the employees engaged or employed by him for the execution of work or as the next immediate employer in case he has sublet or assigned the agreement or the instructions as provided here in above. The Contractor acknowledge the rights of the Company to recover the amount of the contributions paid by it in the first instance in respect of the employees employed by or through him ( the Contractor ) or by his sub-Contractor or permitted assign, as well as the employees contributions if any either by deduction from any amount payable to him by the Company under any contract or as a debt payable by him to the Company. 7. Smoking and Hot work: ( a ) The contractor shall ensure that he and or his workmen and or representatives shall not smoke or carry matches or lighters inside the Companys Installations or Depots. Should any injury resulting in death or not or damage to any property occur as a result of smoking or matches or lighters being carried in violation of this clause, the Contractor shall be held responsible for the consequences thereof. ( b ) When working in Companys Installations or Depots as the case may be the Contractor shall not carry out any work involving the use of fire, or which produces heat ( such as welding ) , without obtaining clearance from the Companys authorised representative in writing such work may then be undertaken only at places and under conditions stipulated by such representative. ( c ) The Contractor shall ensure that all work done by him in the Companys Installations, Depots as the case may be in accordance with the laid down safety procedures and systems. It will be his responsibility to ensure that the supervisor provided by him are fully aware of and understand the laid down safety procedures and systems. 9. Notwithstanding what is stated above, the Company shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement without notice upon or any time after the happening of the following event :- ( i ) If the party shall be guilty of breach of any of the conditions contained in the Agreement.

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