
Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Hardware and Fasteners, Clamps, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Springs, Material Handling Machinery, Lifting Equipment, Tools and General Machinery, Wrenches and Drivers, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape S-Haryana

Government Industrial Training Institute has published Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Hardware and Fasteners, Clamps, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Springs, Material Handling Machinery, Lifting Equipment, Tools and General Machinery, Wrenches and Drivers, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape S. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-03-2018. Bearings Tenders in Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Hardware and Fasteners, Clamps, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Springs, Material Handling Machinery, Lifting Equipment, Tools and General Machinery, Wrenches and Drivers, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape S
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Tender Details

Supply of Petty Tools and Equipments ( 176 Spanners socket with speed handle, T-bar, ratchet and universal upto 177 Spark lighter 178 Spark plug spanner 14mm x 18mm x Size 179 Starter motor axial type, pre-engagement type & Co-axial type 180 Steel measuring tape 10 meter in a case 181 Steel rule 15 cm inch and metric 182 Steel rule 30 cm inch and metric 183 Steering assembly - 1.Rack & pinion, 2.Worm & roller 3. Recirculating ball, 4.Power steering 184 Straight edge gauge 2 ft. 185 Straight edge gauge 4 ft. 186 Stud extractor set of 3 187 Stud remover with socket handle 188 Surface gauge with dial test indicator plunger type i.e. 0.01 mm 189 Synchronous Gear box with stand for Dismantling and assembly. 190 Tachometer (Counting type) 191 Tandem master cylinder with booster 192 Taps and Dies complete sets BSF 193 Taps and wrenches - metric 194 Telescope gauge 195 Temperature gauge with sensor 0-100 deg c 196 Tester sparking plug ‘NEON’ Type 197 Thermostat 198 Thread pitch gauge metric, BSW 199 Timing lighter 200 Toe-in, toe-out gauge 201 Torque wrenches 5-35 Nm, 12-68 Nm & 50-225 Nm 202 Trammel 30 cm 203 Tread wear indicator 204 Tubed tyre of car, trucks & motorcycle 205 Tubeless tyre of cars & trucks Tubeless tyre repair kit 206 Turbocharger cut sectional view 207 Tyre & split rim wheel assembly 208 Tyre pressure gauge with holding nipple 209 Universal puller for removing pulleys, bearings 210 V’ Block 75 x 38 mm pair with Clamps 211 Vacuum assisted hydraulics brake assembly with vacuum booster 212 Vacuum gauge to read 0 to 760 mm of Hg. 213 Valve Lifter 214 Valve spring compressor universal. 215 vernier caliper 0-300 mm with least count 0.02mm 216 Vice grip pliers 217 Water pump for dismantling and assembling 218 Wheel cylinder 219 Wiper motor assembly 220 Wire Gauge (metric) 221 Work bench 250 x 120 x 60 cm with 4 vices 12cm Jaw 222 Working Model of power windows 223 Working model of torque converter 224 4 Point rel

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Tender Value
INR 20 Lakhs /-
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