
Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Biochemicals, Foods and Drinks, Food and Beverages, Dairy Products, Edible Oils and Fats, Agro Product, Spices, Sugar Supply, Cereal and Pulse Products, Grains, Scientific Instrument, Manual Test K, FOR Narwal Jammu and SDA Colony Bemina Srinagar-Jammu And Kashmir

Water Supply And Sanitation Department has published Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Biochemicals, Foods and Drinks, Food and Beverages, Dairy Products, Edible Oils and Fats, Agro Product, Spices, Sugar Supply, Cereal and Pulse Products, Grains, Scientific Instrument, Manual Test K. Submission Date for this Tender is 19-03-2018. Chemical Supply Tenders in FOR Narwal Jammu and SDA Colony Bemina Srinagar Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Biochemicals, Foods and Drinks, Food and Beverages, Dairy Products, Edible Oils and Fats, Agro Product, Spices, Sugar Supply, Cereal and Pulse Products, Grains, Scientific Instrument, Manual Test K
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir
For Narwal Jammu And Sda Colony Bemina Srinagar

Tender Details

Supply of Food testing Equipments - Digital Moisture Analyser alongwlti Priiter for detectiig extent ________ of moisture m nce. wheat, paddy, pubes and spices 2 Digital Refracto Meter used for flndrg refractive mdex of ods, ________ fruit products and sugar concentraIn (Br) Analytical Electronio Balance with caration weight haviig ________ capacity 220g (Max), 1 g (Mm) e=OOlmg accuracy css-l 4 Egg Grading kiachne Electronic Me Aduleretion Tester for detecting presence of Urea, sal, soda. ku soap, detergent, caustic soda, 6 FT NIR Analyser for determination of fat, moisture and dry matter content ii cheese and other food products 7 Spectrophotometer for determinwig moisture, fat, proteli and ________ sugar in food products 8 Testing kit for nicro organisms, pesticides or toxicants ii food ________ products Luminorneter for determining sanitation of food hand1g _________ equipments 10 Soft drink analyser for measurng density, temperature. sugar concentration ii soft drinks 11 Density testmg kit for Petroleum Products 12 Ahimlnlum Botites for bfting sanes of petroleum products with wooden case 13 Muffle Furnace Ten 500°Cto700C 14 Photometer for sal conc. In water 15 Electronic me fats tester for Fat, SN F, added water and CLR 16 Digital Vernier Caer 17 Magnifying Glass 18 Turbidity Meter 19 PH Meter 20 TDS Meter 21 Thermometer for measuring heat of food samples 22 Titrator for measumg amount of meic acid in apple juice or salt Water activity meter for measurlig water activity m stietf ife __________ testings of food products 24 Salmonella Testmg kit for measumg pathogenic bacteria which causes food poeonmg 25 Rectangularhotplate 26 Refrigerator 27 Digital Water bath 28 Distillation water apparatus (Double Distdation) 29 Hot Air Oven upito 5000 C 30 Pycnometer for measuring density of cooking oils 31 Alcoholmeter

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