Tender for Providing Consultancy services and Collection of secondary data from Indian Meteorological Dept., Forest Dept., Census of India, Central Ground Water Board, National Soil Survey and Land Use Board, Central Pollution Control Board, Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, Dept. of Ecology and Environment, ENVIS, etc Collection of Ambient Air Quality Data for 1 season as per MoEF requirements 1 season , Collection of site specific micro meteorological data, Collection of Ambient Noise Level Data as per MoEF requirements for 24 hours (Day & night), Surface water quality analysis parameters, Ground water quality analysis parameters, Sampling, transportation and analysis of soil samples, Air Pollution Prevention, Monitoring & Control (AP), Water Pollution Prevention, Control & Prediction of Impacts (WP), Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management (SHW), Socio-Economics (SE) viz collection of relevant data as prescribed in the MOIF stds, Socio-economic Aspects, Environment Management Plan (EMP), Ecology and Biodiversity (EB) - Methodology for Collection of Biodiversity Data, Irrigation and Cropping Pattern, EMP Meteorology, Air Quality Modeling & Prediction (AQ), Hydrology, Ground Water & Water Conservation (HG), Geology (GEO) - Involved in collection of data pertaining to geology, geomorphologic analysis, Soil Conservation Expert Soil classification, physical parameters (viz., texture, Porosity, Bulk Density and water holding capacity) and chemical parameters, Irrigation and Cropping Pattern, Land Environment, Noise and vibration (NV), Remote sensing and GIS (RS & GIS) EIA/ EMP Report preparation as per MOEF requirements, Environmental Public Consultation, , including remittance of necessary fees, Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment / Environmental Management Plan Report and obtaining Environmental Clearance from SEIAA, Bangalore. for Nagarabetta lift irrigation scheme