
Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Antibiotics, Medicine, Vaccines, Medical Related Equipment and Supplies, Medical Sterilization Products, Autoclave and Sterilizer Equipment, Medical Equipments, Medical Test Kit, Medical Thermometers and Acces, Paradip-Odisha

Ministry Of Shipping has published Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Antibiotics, Medicine, Vaccines, Medical Related Equipment and Supplies, Medical Sterilization Products, Autoclave and Sterilizer Equipment, Medical Equipments, Medical Test Kit, Medical Thermometers and Acces. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-12-2017. Antibiotics Tenders in Paradip Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Antibiotics, Medicine, Vaccines, Medical Related Equipment and Supplies, Medical Sterilization Products, Autoclave and Sterilizer Equipment, Medical Equipments, Medical Test Kit, Medical Thermometers and Acces
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of, Surgical Items, Ophthalmic Items, X-Ray Item, Laboratory Reagent And Items, Proprietary Medicines And Hospital Items Etc.., 1.001 10-0; Nylon Nonabsorable Surgical Suture(Single Armed);(Auro) 1.002 10-0; Nylon Nonabsorable Surgical Suture(Double Armed);(Auro) 1.003 10-0; PolypropyleneNonabsorable Surgical Suture(Double Armed); (Auro) 1.004 6-0; Poly Glycolic AcidAbsorable Surgical Suture, (Double Armed);(Auro) 1.005 Sterile Paraffin Gauze 10 Cm X 10 Cm (10 Pieces/Pouch) ( Jelonet) 1.006 Abgel (Smithkline) 1.007 Bowl Wash Set (Pintex) 1.008 Boyles Apparatus Circuit Set (Batxohmeda) 1.009 Bin S.S. (Small) For Autoclave 9 X 9 Medium Size (Unilab) 1.010 Cable Cover For Laparoscopic Camera Disposable 1.011 Kli Falope Ring For Laparoscopic Surgery (Bisal Surgicals) 1.012 Laparoscopic Bipolar Cautery Cord In Sets (Karlstorz)) 1.013 Laparoscopic Monopolar Cord In Set. Disposable (Karlstorz)) 1.014 Disposable Sterile Laparoscopic Drape (Hicare) 1.015 Sterile Laparotomy Drape Set, Disposable, (Hicare) 1.016 Silicon Oil 50Ml 1.017 Hot Water Bag (Duckback) 1.018 Labour Mat - Sterile Disposable (Hicare) 1.019 Oxygen Bain Circuit With Face Mask And Bag For Boyles Apparatus (Medikit) 1.020 Protoscope Adult Size (Moon Light) 1.021 Skin Grafting Frame (Everest) 1.022 Skin Grafting Blade Disposable (Everest) 1.023 Stocknet - 15 Cm.Width In Rolls. (Flemingo) 1.024 Stocknet - 5Cm.Width In Rolls. (Flemingo) 1.025 Stocknet - 7.5 Cm.Width In Rolls. (Flemingo) 1.026 Stocknet -10 Cm.Width In Rolls. (Flemingo) 1.027 Microdrip Set (Romson) 1.028 Abdominal Self Retaining Retractor Stainless Steel (Sisco) 1.029 Allis Forcepts Long 5 Size Stainless Steel (Sisco) 1.030 B.P.Apparatus(Sphygmomanometer) ( Elko) 1.031 Basin, Stainless Steel 20 C.M Dia.(8) (Pintex) 1.032 Basin, Stainless Steel 16 C.M Dia. (Pintex) 1.033 Basin Stand (Pintex) 1.034 Bed Block (Wooden) (Pintex) 1.035 Bowl Stainless Steel 4 (Pintex) 1.036 Metal Bucket Type Trolley For Medicine With Small Front Wheel (Pintex) 1.037 Devers Retractor Large 1.038 Metal Foot Step (Pintex) 1.039 Forceps Toothed Stainless Steel Size 4 (Sisco) 1.040 Forceps Toothed Medium Size 6 Stainless Steel (Sisco) 1.041 Infra Red Lamp (Everest) 1.042 Injection Tray With Lid 10 X 8 Stainless Steel (Everest) 1.043 Instrument Tray Medium Size Stainless Steel (Everest) 1.044 Kidney Tray - Big Size 10 Stainless Steel (Everest) 1.045 Kidney Tray - Medium Size 8 Stainless Steel (Everest) 1.046 Knife Handle No.3 Stainless Steel (Sisco) 1.047 Knife Handle No.4 Stainless Steel (Sisco) 1.048 Medicine Trolley-Stainless Steel (Pintex) 1.049 Mosquito Forceps-Small Size Stainless Steel (Sisco) 1.050 Mouth Gag For E,N.T.Operation In Sets (Sisco) 1.051 Nasal Speculam-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 1.052 Needle Holder 8-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 1.053 Needle Holder - Long 6-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 1.054 Plain Forceps Long 9-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 1.055 Saline Stand With Double Hook (Pintex) 1.056 Setting Trolley For Instruments (30 Cm X 20 Cm.) With Protective Rod-Stainless Steel (Pintex) 1.057 Shop Scissors 7-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 1.058 Spanner To Open Oxygen Cylinder 1.059 Sponge Holder 12-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 1.060 Suction Tip-Stainless Steel 1.061 Tailor Scissors 9-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 1.062 Thermometer (Clinical Hicks) 1.063 Stethoscope (Elko) 1.064 Co₂ Regulator /Connector (Everest) 1.065 Key Spanner (Everest) 1.066 Oxygen Trolly (Pintex) 1.067 Oxygen Valve Flowmeter (Shrist) 1.068 Autoclave (Portable) 1.069 Dental Extraction Set Complete-Stainless Steel 1.070 Dental Forcep-Stainless Steel Set 1.071 Oxygen Pressure Gauze (Everest) 1.072 Skin Stich Stappler (Raman) 1.073 Trocar And Canula (Raman) 1.074 Stapler Remover (Raman) 1.075 B. P. Armlet (Blader) (Everest) 1.076 B.P. Clamp (Everest) 1.077 B. P. Bulb Cup (Everest) 1.078 B. P. Bulb Compet (Everest) 1.079 B.P. Glass Tube (Everest) 1.080 Dettol ( 5 Liter) (Reckitt Benckiser) 1.081 Karmons Canula, Size 6,7,8,9,10 (Romson) 1.082 Lysol 450Ml. (Indian Drug House) 1.083 Pure Hand 500Ml. (Himalaya) 1.084 Sodium Hypochlorite 4% Sol. 500 Ml. (Fisher) 1.085 Swab Sticks (Human) 1.086 Dispo. Alcohol Swab (Rapid) 1.087 Distilled Water Jar (5 Ltr) (Organo) 1.088 Autoclaving Tape (Indicator Tape/ 3M ) 1.089 Endoscopy Mouth Gag 2 Ent 2.001 Aural Currets-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 2.002 Aural Speculum-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 2.003 Foreign Body Hook-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 2.004 Head Mirror-Stainless Steel Body (Everest) 2.005 Monihans Self Retaining Retractor-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 2.006 Nasal Polypus Forcep-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 2.007 Nasal Speculum-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 2.008 Nasal Forecep-Stainless Steel (Moonlight) 2.009 Pillar Retractor & Tonsil Disector-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 2.010 Quinsy Forcep-Stainless Steel (Moonlight) 2.011 Tunic Fork-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 2.012 Three Ways Stop Cock (Top) 3 Eye Equipments 3.001 Wirespeculum-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.002 Superiorrectus Forcep-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.003 Conzunctival Scissors-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.004 Corneal Scissor-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.005 Lims Forcep-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.006 Crescent (Sics Blade) (Visioncare) 3.007 Keratome(Sics Blade) (Visioncare) 3.008 Mvr Blade (Visioncare) 3.009 Capsulotomy Forcep-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.010 S-262-Mcpherson-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.011 Vannas Scissor-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.012 Lens Dialer-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.013 Iris Repositior-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.014 Irrigating Vectis (Sharpedge) 3.015 Simcocanula (Brass) (Sharpedge) 3.016 Lens Holding Forceps-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.017 Needle Holder For Eye-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.018 Suture Tying Forcep-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.019 Iris Forceps-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.020 Micro Forcep For Eye-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.021 Electro Cautery Along With Connecting Wire (Sharpedge) 3.022 Curved Scissor For Eye-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.023 Straight Scissor For Eye-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.024 Chalazion Clamp-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.025 Chalazion Currete-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.026 Desmarres Lid Retractor-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.027 Entropion Clamp-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.028 Musscle Hook-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.029 Evisceration Scoop-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.030 Enucleation Scoop-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.031 Enucleation Scissor-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.032 Skin Retractor For Eye-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.033 Bone Currete Small-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.034 Bone Currete Large-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.035 Dissector-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.036 Bone Punch-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.037 Triphine For Eye-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 3.038 Flurotouch Strip Packet (Madhu Instruments) 3.039 Aspheric Iol S/P Uv Absorber (+1 D To +28 D)-Abott 3.040 Hydrofobic Acrilic Aspheric Neg. Aberration Optic With Prelodaded Disposable Delivery (+1 D To + 28 D)-Auro 3.041 Ac Iol +10 D To +18 D-Auro 3.042 Viscomac (Auro) 3.043 Cartract Set Tray-Stainless Steel (Sharpedge) 4 Hospital Equipments / Instruments 4.001 Bed Pan-Stainless Steel (Everest) 4.002 Baby Cradle-Stainless Steel (Pintex) 4.003 Baby Tray -Stainless Steel. (Everest) 4.004 Bowl-Stainless Steel (Everest) 4.005 Douch Cane-Stainless Steel (Everest) 4.006 Dressing Drum-Stainless Steel(11 X 9) (Everest) 4.007 Nebuliser Machine-(Aero) 4.008 Patient Trolly-Stainless Steel (Pintex) 4.009 Plaster Cutting Saw-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.01 Revolving Stool-Stainless Steel (Pintex) 4.011 Stretcher (Folding) (Pintex) 4.012 Stretcher On Trolly--Stainless Steel (Pintex) 4.013 Syringe Needle Destroyer (Sapna/Everest) 4.014 Urinal (Male/ Female)-Stainless Steel (Everest) 4.015 Weighing Machine (Adult)(Venus) 4.016 Weighing Machine (Baby)(Venus) 4.017 Surgeons Suit (Everest) 4.018 Sterilizer Cable 4.019 Episiotomy Scissor-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.02 Fetal Doppler (Aspen Diagnostic) 4.021 Hysteroctomy Clamp(Curve)-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.022 Hysteroctomy Clamp (Straight)-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.023 Vaginal Speculum-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.024 Ventus Equipment Sillicon Cup (Small,Medium,Large) (Surgix) 4.025 Allis Forcep Long 4 Size-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.026 Allis Forcep Long 6 Size-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.027 Allis Forcep Long 8 Size-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.028 Dissecting Tooth Forcep 6 Size-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.029 Mayo Curved Scissor 6 -Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.03 Mayo Curved Scissor 7 -Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.031 Fine Curved Scissor 4 Sisco 4.032 Mosquito Scissors-Stainless Steel -Big (Sisco) 4.033 Mosquito Scissors-Stainless Steel -Small (Sisco) 4.034 Straight Artery Forcep 4-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.035 Straight Artery Forcep 6-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.036 Straight Artery Forcep 7-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.037 Straight Artery Forcep 8-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.038 Curved Artery Forcep 6-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.039 Curved Artery Forcep 8-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.04 Chitles Forcep 10(With Ridges)-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.041 Kochers Forcep (Straight) 8 -Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.042 Kochers Forcep (Curved ) 8 -Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.043 Dialator Set(D & C Set)-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.044 Punch Biopsy-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.045 Single Bladed Sims Specullum Medium Size-Stainless Steel (Moonlight) 4.046 Coscos Specullum Small Size-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.047 Coscos Specullum Large Size-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.048 Small Steeal Cup-Stainless Steel (Everest) 4.049 Kidney Tray Big Size-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.05 Uterine Sound-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.051 Uterine Curette -Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.052 Vaccum Apparatus With 03 Coffs(Small,Midium,Large) (Everest) 4.053 Anal Dilator-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.054 B. P. Handle-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.055 Biopsy Forcep-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.056 Disecting Forcep (Plain)-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.057 Disecting Forcep (Tooth Ended)-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.058 Dressing Probe-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.059 Intestinal Clamp-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.06 Intestinal Force-Stainless Steel (Moonlight) 4.061 Laryngial Forcep-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.062 Monihans Artery Forcep-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.063 Sinus Forcep-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.064 Sponge Holding Dressing Forcep Straight 10(Large Hole)-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.065 Sponge Holding Dressing Forcep Straight 10(Small Hole)-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.066 Stitch Cutting Seissor-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 4.067 Towel Clip-Stainless Steel (Sisco) 5 X-Ray Items 5.001 X-Ray Cassette (R K) 5.002 X-Ray Hanger (R K) 5.003 X-Ray Protective Lead Appron (R K) 5.004 X-Ray View Box (R K) 5.005 X-Ray Developer (Premium) 5.006 X-Ray Film (8×10) -Pkts Of 50S (Care Stream) 5.007 X-Ray Film (10×12)-Pkts Of 50S (Care Stream) 5.008 X-Ray Film (12×15)-Pkts Of 50S (Care Stream) 5.009 X-Ray Film (12×12)-Pkts Of 50S (Care Stream) 5.010 X-Ray Film Dental (Care Stream) 5.011 X-Ray Fixer (Premium) 6 Cr System 6.001 Digital X-Ray Film Size 14X17 (Konica Minolta) 6.002 Digital X-Ray Film Size 10X12 (Konica Minolta) 6.003 Digital X-Ray Film Size 8X10 (Konica Minolta) 7 Dental 7.001 Ivoclar Vivadent Flow Composite A1(Syringe) (Densply) 7.002 Ivoclar Vivadent Flow Composite A2(Syringe) (Densply) 7.003 Ivoclar Vivadent Flow Composite A3 (Syringe) (Densply) 7.004 Ivoclar Bulk Fill Composite A1(Syringe) (Densply) 7.005 Ivoclar Bulk Fill Composite A2(Syringe) (Densply) 7.006 Ivoclar Bulk Fill Composite A3(Syringe) (Densply) 7.007 Dents Ply Conditioner(Etchant Gel)(Syringe) (Densply) 7.008 Fuji Ix Gic (Densply) 7.009 Calcium Hydroxide(Lonosit) (Syringe) (Densply) 7.010 Mani K-File(15-40) 25 Mm(Set) (Densply) 7.011 Mani K-File(45-80) 25 Mm(Set) (Densply) 7.012 Mani K-File(15-40) 21 Mm(Set) (Densply) 7.013 Mani Spreader (Set) (Densply) 7.014 Voco Catcimol(Bottle) (Densply) 7.015 Ss -White Mani Diamond Bur(Cavity Prep) Box (Densply) 7.016 Ss -White Mani Diamond Bur(Crown Cutting) Box (Densply) 7.017 Ss -White Mani Diamond Bur(Plishing) Box(Densply) 7.018 Ivoclar Vivadent Alginate Packet (Densply) 7.019 Die Stone Packet (Densply) 7.020 Green Stone Packet (Densply) 7.021 Lignocaine Topical Spray (Bottle) (Densply) 7.022 Gic Fuji Type -I (Bottle) (Densply) 7.023 Impression Tray (Visa) Set (Densply) 7.024 Extraction Set Instrument Set (Densply) 7.025 Mouth Mirror Pc. (Densply) 7.026 Tweezer Pc. (Densply) 7.027 Probe/Explorer Pc. (Densply) 7.028 Prophylactic Paste Bottle (Densply) 7.029 Glass Slab Pc. (Densply) 7.030 Bowl Big Pc. (Densply) 7.031 Spatula Pc. (Densply) 7.032 Plastic Mixing Stick Pc. (Densply) 7.033 Steel Mixing Stick Pc. (Densply) 7.034 Broach Set Packet (Densply) 7.035 D-Pulp Bottle (Densply) 7.036 Chlohex 2% Bottle -500 Ml Bottle (Densply) 7.037 Edta Syringe( Glyde) (Dentsply) 7.038 Root Canal Sealer (Apexit Plus) Packet (Densply) 7.039 Gp Point (Dia-Dent) Hand 2% (15-80) Set (Densply) 7.040 Gp Point (Dia-Dent) Hand 6% (15-80) Set (Densply) 7.041 Rotary Protaper Assorted File 25 Mm. Set (Densply) 7.042 Dia-Dent Paper Points (15-80) Set (Densply) 7.043 Protaper Paper Points- Assorted Set (Densply) 7.044 Restoration Instruments Set 7.045 Wax Sheet Packet (Densply) 7.046 Articulating Paper Pc. (Densply) 7.047 Formacresol Bottle (Densply) 7.048 Stain Remover Bottle (Densply) 7.049 Prime & Bond Nt Bond Pkt (Densply) 7.050 Vivadent Tetric Ceram Composite Shade A1 Syring (Densply) 7.051 Vivadent Tetric Ceram Composite Shade A2 Syring (Densply) 7.052 Vivadent Tetric Ceram Composite Shade A3 Syring (Densply) 7.053 One Coat Bond (Prime + Bond) Pkt Coltene (Densply) 7.054 Rely X U 200 Adhesive(Luting) 3 M Pkt (Densply) 7.055 Irm Pkt (Densply) 7.056 Zinc Oxide Pkt (Densply) 7.057 Eugenol Bottle Of 110Ml (Densply) 7.058 Rotary Protaper Assorted File 25Mm Pkt (Densply) 7.059 Protaper Gp F1 Pkt (Densply) 7.060 Protaper Gp F2 Pkt (Densply) 7.061 Protaper Gp F3 Pkt (Densply) 7.062 Dycal Pkt (Densply) 7.063 Diamond Burs Tf-11 Pcs (Densply) 7.064 Diamond Burs Tf-12 Pcs (Densply) 7.065 Diamond Burs Tf-13 Pcs (Densply) 7.066 Diamond Burs Straight Fissure Pcs (Densply) 7.067 Diamond Burs Flame Shaped Pcs (Densply) 7.068 Composite Finishing Bur (Green) Pcs (Densply) 7.069 Dental Cotton Roll Pkt (Coltene) 7.070 3M Cavit 20Gm/ Bottle (Densply) 7.071 Handpiece Maintenance Spray (W & H) 7.072 Airoter Pushbutton Hand Piece Pcs (Densply) 7.073 Ems Scaler Tip (Densply) 8 Tinctures & Chemicals 8.001 Formaldehyde Solution 400 Ml.Bottle (Qualigen) 8.002 Glycerin 500 Gm.Bottle (Agrawal Drugs Pvt.) 8.003 2.4% Alkaline Glutaraldehyde Solution(Cidex;Johnson&Johnson) Bot.5 Litre Jar 8.004 Providone Iodine Surgical Hand Wash (Schulke) 500Ml Bottle. 8.005 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution(H2o2) 400 Ml.Bot. (Agrawal Pharma.) 8.006 Liquid Paraffin 450 Ml Bot. (Agrawal Pharma.) 8.007 Magnesium Sulphate ( Mg So4) 500Gm.Pkts. (Agrawal Pharma.) 8.008 Pottasium Permanganate- 500 Gm. (Kmn O4)Bot. (Agrawal Pharma.) 8.009 Tincture Benzoin 450 Ml.Bot. (Agrawal Pharma.) 8.010 Carbolic Acid ( Liquid Phenol) 500Gm.1 Litr (Agrawal Pharma.) 8.011 Cetrimide 15% With Chlorhexidine (Agrawal Pharma.) 9 X-Ray Chemical(S) 9.00 Barium Sulphate (Baso4) Suspension {Microbar} 1 Ltrbot. (Eskay) 10 Ecg Items 10.001 E C G Paper Bpl 9108 (210X295x150) 10.002 E C G Recording Paper (M2483a) (Philips) 10.003 E C G Jelly 250Ml.Bottle (Micromed) 10.004 Electrode Disposable Nos. (Philips) 10.005 Chest Lead For Ecg Machine Pkt Of 10S (Philips) 10.006 E C G Bulb (Rubber) 11 Other Hospital Items 11.001 Sterilizer Coil 1000 Watt. 11.002 Relax Under Pad 11.003 Incinerable Biowaste Polythene (Medium) Of Different Colour 11.004 Incinerable Biowaste Polythene (Large) Of Different Colour 11.005 Sterilizing Drum 11 X 9 11.006 Sterilizing Drum 9 X 9 11.007 Sterilizing Drum 11 X 15 11.008 Seamless Dressing Drum 11.009 White Colour Hospital Bed Sheet 11.010 White Colour Hospital Pillow Cover 11.011 Pillow 11.012 Hospital Blackent (Oswal Industries (Pvt) Ltd. 11.013 Hospital Mosquote Net 11.014 Suction Machine 11.015 Baby Suction Machine 11.016 Tetra 11.017 Disposable Eyedrape;(Prime Wear) 11.018 Balanced Salt Solution(500Ml) ; (Denisol) 11.019 Softside Water Bed (39 X 75) 11.020 Digital Thermometer 11.021 Auto Matic And Semi Auto Matic Mercury Free Hybrid Sphygmo Manometer 11.022 Adult Diaper 11.023 Wheel Chair 11.024 Sterile Water For Injection 5Ml Pack (Claris Ostuka) 11.025 Sterile Water For Injection 10Ml Pack (Claris Ostuka) 12 Proprietary Medicines 12.001 Evecare (Himalaya) 12.002 Cough Sy. (Josh-I- Joshanda) (Hds) 12.003 Liv 52 Ds (Himsra 130Mg.+Kasani 130Mg.+ Maduru Bhasma 66Mg. +Kakamachi 64Mg) (Himalaya) 12.004 Pilex Oint 12.005 Dicyclomine Hydrochloride 20 Mg. + Diazepam 2Mg. Tab. (Decolic,Contest) 12.006 Aspirin 350Mg. Dipesible Tab.(Disprin) 12.007 Calcium-3-Methyl-2 Oxo-Valerate-67Mg.+ Calcium-4-Methyl-2 Oxo-Valerate-101Mg.+Calcium-2 Oxo-3-Phenylalanine 68Mg +…………...Tab.(Ketosteril,Fresenius Kabi) 12.008 Choline Salicylate 9% + Benzalkonium Cl. 0.02%,/ Ml;Pack Of 10Ml.(Oroflora Gel / Mcw Healthcare) 12.009 Inj. Snake Venom Antiserum (Lyophilized)/ 1 Vial (Bharat Serum) 12.010 Inj. Carboprost Tromethamine 125Mcg/0.5Ml;1Ml. Amp, (Inj. Prostodin(0.5Ml), Astrazeneca) 12.011 Inj. Ephedrine 30Mg/Ml Amp,(Efipress/Neon) 12.012 Inj. Ketamine 50Mg./Ml; 2Ml Amp, (Inj. Aniket/Neon) 12.013 Rabies Vaccine Human Ip Freeze-Dried (Hdc)/Pac (Inj. Xp Rab/ Sun,Ranbaxy) 12.014 Rabies Vaccine Human Ip Freeze-Dried Chick Embryo / Pack( Pcec Vaccine), (Inj. Rabipur/Gsk) 12.015 Rabies Vaccine Human Ip Vero Cell (Inj. Verorab/Ranbaxy) 12.016 Sodium Bicarbonate 4.2Gm/50Ml Vial (Sodac, Noen) 13 Semiauto Analyser Reagent (Of Transasia/Siemens/Accurex Make) 13.001 Alakaline Phosphate Kit, (60Ml Packet) 13.002 Albumin Test Kit 200Ml Packet 13.003 Amonium Sulphate (Purified), 500 Gm Bottle Packet 13.004 Billirubin Test Kit 200Ml. Packet 13.005 Cholesterol Test Kit, 250Ml. Packet 13.006 Cholesterol Test Kit (Hdl) 250Ml. Packet 13.007 Cholesterol Test Kit (Ldl)250Ml. Packet 13.008 Cholesterol Test Kit (Vldl)250Ml. Packet 13.009 Ck Nac Test Kit, 250Ml. Packet 13.010 Ck Mb Test Kit, Packet 13.011 Chloride Test Kit, Packet 13.012 Creatinine Test Kit 200Ml. Packet 13.013 Inorganic Phosphrous, Kit Packet 13.014 Gamma G.T Test Kit, Packet 13.015 Globulin Test Kit 200Ml. /Packet 13.016 Glucose Test Kit, 600Ml./Packet 13.017 Potassium Test Kit,Packet 13.018 Sgot Test Kit, 200Ml ;/Packet 13.019 Sgpt Test Kit, 200Ml.; /Packet 13.020 Total Protein Test Kit 300Ml.;Packet 13.021 Triglyceride Test Kit 250Ml., /Packet 13.022 Urea Uv Test Kit 400Ml., /Packet 13.023 Urea Kit (5X50ml.), /Packet 13.024 Uric Acid Test Kit 200Ml., /Packet 13.025 Alfa Amylase Test Kit, In Packets 13.026 Acid Phospatase Test Kit 13.027 Amonia Test Kit 14 Laboratory Items (Rapid Test Kits / Chemicals/ Consuables Etc. 14.001 Aec Fluid, 100Ml. Bottle (Acurex) 14.002 Ana Rapid Test Kit,(1X50) Packet (Tulip) 14.003 Anti A 10Ml. Packet (Tulip) 14.004 Anti B 10Ml. Packet (Tulip) 14.005 Anti D 10 Ml. Packet (Tulip) 14.006 Anti Human Globin, Packet (Tulip) 14.007 Anti Sera Ab, Packet (Tulip) 14.008 Aso Test Kit, (1X25ml.), Packet (Tulip) 14.009 Cover Slip, (1X12) Packet (Bluestar) 14.010 Barium Chloride,500Ml Bottle (Human) 14.011 Benzodine Podwer, 100Gm. Bottle (Human) 14.012 Sod. Citrate 3.8%, Vaccume Tube 1.6Ml (Bd) 14.013 Edta K2 Vaccume Tube 2/5/10Ml 14.014 Sod. Fluoride Vaccume Tube 3Ml 14.015 No Additive + Bca 3.5Ml Vaccume Tube 14.016 Bendicts Reagent 500Ml. Bottle (Human) 14.017 Bovin Serum 22% , Bottle (Tulip) 14.018 Blood Lancet, (Gibson) 14.019 Blue Tips (Disposible), (1X100) Packet (Tarson) 14.020 Capillary Tubes (For Clotting Time)( Size -4 Long Bore-1 Mm), Packet (Everest) 14.021 Carbon Brush For Centrifuge, Numbers (Remi) 14.022 Cidezyme Xtra (Jar) (J& J) 14.023 Crp Antigen Kit, Packet (Tulip) 14.024 Culture Test Disc Antibiotic Disc, (1X25) /Bottle (Tulip) 14.025 Culture Plate, Disposable Nos. (Tulip) 14.026 Diamond Marker Pen (Everest) 14.027 Dengue Kit, (J Mitra) 14.028 Diastix, (1X50) Packet (Rapid) 14.029 Droper With Teat; Nos (Everest) 14.030 Haemoglobin Pipette; Nos (Gdr) 14.031 High Power Objective- Leica Microscope. Nos. (Unilab) 14.032 E. S. R. Glass Pipette, (Aqra) 14.033 E. S. R. Vial, Plastic, Nos (Gdr) 14.034 E.S.R. Stand, Nos (Everest) 14.035 Edta Vial 2/5/10Ml. (Human) 14.036 Filter Paper [15 Cm. Dia. Whatman] In Packets (Everest) 14.037 Fouchat Reagent, 500Ml. Bottle (Human) 14.038 Glass Marking Pen, Nos. (Everest) 14.039 Glass Slide, (1X50) Packet (Polar) 14.040 Glacial Actic Acid, 500Ml/ Bottle (Human) 14.041 Glucose Test Strip; Nos (Contour) 14.042 Hydrochloric Acid N/10, Bottle (Thermo) 14.043 Hbsag Rapid Card Test,(1X50)/ Packet (Sd) 14.044 Hcv Rapid Card Test, (1X50) /Packet (Sd) 14.045 Hiv Rapid Card Test,(1X50)/ Packet (Tri Dot) 14.046 Intervel Timer (Electronic) Nos. (Everest) 14.047 Ict Malaria Kit (Optimal), (1X24) /Packet 14.048 Keto Diastix (Test For Glucose & Ketones) (Bayer) Strip, (1X50)/ Packet 14.049 Labelling Stickers ( 25 X 50 Mm ) /Packet 14.050 Lamp For Binocular Microscope -[Leica] Nos. 14.051 Leishman Stain, 250Ml. /Bottle (Glaxo) 14.052 Lithium Battery(3 Volt) For Glucometer , Nos. (Lithium) 14.053 Litmus Paper, (1X50) /Packet (Thermo) 14.054 Methanol, 500Ml./ Bottle (Thermo) 14.055 Micro Pipettes 1000 Micro Ltr. Nos. (Biohit) 14.056 Micropipette (5-50 Micro Litre), Nos. (Bd) 14.057 Microscopic Cover Glass (18X18mm Size)10Gm /Pack (Polar) 14.058 Micro Albumin Test Kit/Micral Test Kit, (1X30) /Packet (Polar) 14.059 Microtips Blue/Yellow,(1X1000),/ Packet (Tarson) 14.060 Microslides 75 Mm X 25 Mm. , /Packet (Polar) 14.061 Multistix (Strips), /Packet (Bayer) 14.062 Macconkey Agar, 200Gm. /Bottle (Tulip) 14.063 Nutrient Agar 200Gm./Bottle (Tulip) 14.064 Occult Blood Test Kit (Hemospot),/Packet (Tulip) 14.065 Oil Immersion Objective - Leica Microscope, Nos. (Leica) 14.066 Oxafluo Vial 2/5/10Ml., (1X100). /Packet (Human) 14.067 Pasteur Pipets [ Plastic Disposable], Nos. (Everest) 14.068 Pepton Water, 200Gm. /Bottle (Tulip) 14.069 Pregnancy Test Kit ,(1X30) /Packet (Rapid ) 14.070 Platilet Counting Fluid, 100Ml. /Bottle (Human) 14.071 Plain Vial 2/5/10Ml. (1X100)/ Packets (Human) 14.072 Pottasium Dichromate,Bottle (Thermo) 14.073 Raf Test Kit, (1X25ml.) /Packet (Tulip) 14.074 Rbc Counting Fluid, 500Ml. /Bottle (Human) 14.075 Rbc Pipette, Nos. (Gdr) 14.076 Rotheras Mixture Powder, 100Gm./Packet (Nice) 14.077 Rubber Pipe For Tlc Pipette, Meters (Everest) 14.078 Small Test Tube [Ria Tubes] (12 X 75)Glass, /Packet (Tarson) 14.079 Sodium Metabisulphate, 500Gm. /Packet (Thermo) 14.080 Sodium Citrate Vial 3.8% 2/5/10Ml. (1X100) /Packet (Human) 14.081 Stool Collection Pot, Nos. (Human) 14.082 Sulfer Flower Power, Packet (Human) 14.083 Swab Stix (Disposable):Nos (Human) 14.084 Test Tube ( Glass), (1X100)/ Packet (Borosil) 14.085 Test Tube ( Disposable) (1X1000)/ Packet (Tarson) 14.086 Test Tube Stand, Nos (Polylab) 14.087 Test Tube Washing Brush, (1X10) /Packet (Everest) 14.088 Tissue Paper Roll, Nos (Human) 14.089 Thermal Paper Roll, Nos (Micromed) 14.090 Tlc Pipette, Nos. (Gdr) 14.091 Toxo Test Kit (Rapid Test), (1X50) /Packet (Tulip) 14.092 Trop T Test Kit, (1X5)/ Packet (Rouch) 14.093 Tourniquet- Adult, (Everest) 14.094 Urine Container Non-Sterile(10-20Ml), Nos (Human) 14.095 Uristix (Glucose & Protein) (Strips) (1X50),/ Packet (Bayer) 14.096 Vac T Sodium Heparin Tube , Nos (Rapid) 14.097 Gel + Bca 3.5Ml Vaccume Tube 14.098 V D R L [Syphilis Card] (Tulip) 14.099 Vdrl Test Kit (Tulip) 14.100 Wbc Counting Fluid, (1X500ml), Bottle (Thermo) 14.101 Wbc Counting Cover Clip, (20X25mm), (1X20) /Packet (Polar) 14.102 Wbc Counting Chamber, (Gdr) 14.103 Widal Test Kit (4X5ml.)/ Packet (Tulip) 14.104 Xylene, (1X500ml) /Bottle (Thermo)) 14.105 Yellow Tips, (1X1000) /Packet (Tarson) 14.106 Velfix Easy 14.107 Chikungunya Test Kit; Pack Of 25 Kit

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