
, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Additives Supply, Indicators and Reagents, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Supplies, Laboratory Stand and Rack, Pipette Tips-Meghalaya

Department Of Health has published , Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Additives Supply, Indicators and Reagents, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Supplies, Laboratory Stand and Rack, Pipette Tips. Submission Date for this Tender is 17-08-2017. Chemical Supply Tenders in Meghalaya. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Additives Supply, Indicators and Reagents, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Supplies, Laboratory Stand and Rack, Pipette Tips
Open Tender

Tender Details

Processing Of Reagents And Consumables:-59.89 Phenol Red Sucrose Broth 59.9 Phenol Red Mannitol Broth 59.91 Phenol Red Dulcitol Broth 59.92 Phenol Red Maltose Broth 59.93 Phenol Red Salicin Broth 59.94 Phenol Red Adonitol Broth 59.95 Phenol Red Lactose Broth 59.96 Phenol (Rm1153) 59.97 Phenol, Molecular Biology Grade 59.98 Phenoptheline 59.99 Phenolphthalein Phosphate Agar 60 Phenoptheline Phosphate Agar 60.01 Phenylalanine Agar 60.02 Phenylalanine Broth 60.03 Phenylalanine Agar 60.04 ß-Phenylethylalcohol 60.05 Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar Base 60.06 Phenylethyl Blood Agar Base (Anaerobic) 60.07 Phenylhydrazine Hydrochloride 60.08 Phenylpyruvic Acid Reagent 60.09 Phloxine 60.1 Phosphate Buffer Saline (Pbs) 60.11 Phosphoric Acid 60.12 Phosphorous 60.13 Phosphotungstic Acid 60.14 Phosphotungstic Acid 60.15 Phosphotungstic Acid(Rm398) 60.16 Phytohaemagglutimin (M Form) 2646 60.17 Phytohaemoagglutinin(Lyophilized Dry Powder ) 60.18 Phytohaemogglutonin P 60.19 Picric Acid 60.2 Piperacillin + Tazobactum 100 Ug /10 Ug 60.21 Piperacillin 100 Ug 50Discs/Cartridge 60.22 Piper/Tazo 100 Ug /10 Ug 50Discs/Cartridge 60.23 Pipette Can Stainless Steel 2Ml 60.24 Pipette Can Stainless Steel 5Ml 60.25 Pipette Can Stainless Steel 10Ml 60.26 Pipette Can Stainless Steel 25Ml 60.27 Pipette Graduated Glass 50Ml 60.28 Pipette Graduated Glass 25Ml 60.29 Pipette Graduated Glass 20Ml 60.3 Pipette Graduated Glass 10Ml 60.31 Pipette Graduated Glass 5Ml 60.32 Pipette Graduated Glass 3Ml 60.33 Pipette Graduated Glass 2Ml 60.34 Pipette Graduated Glass 1Ml 60.35 Pipette Stand (Vertical) 161010 60.36 Pipette Stand For 1 Pipette 60.37 Pipette Stand For 12Microlit 60.38 Pipette Stand For 6 Microlit 60.39 Pipette Stand For 8 Microlit 60.4 Pipette Stand Horizontal 60.41 Pipette Stand Vertical 60.42 Pipette Tips For Micropipettes Yellow (5Ul-200Ul) 60.43 Pipette Tips For Micropipettes Blue (200Ul-100Ul) 60.44 Pipette Tips For Micropipettes White (1000Ul-5000Ul) 60.45 Pipette Tips For Micropipettes Pink (1000 Ul) 60.46 Pipette Dispenser Range 5Ml-100Ml 60.47 Pipettor Assy. 736-0143 For 911 & 912 60.48 Pituitary 60.49 Plap(Epos) 60.5 Plap. (Monoclonal Mouse Antibody To Human.- Pre-Diluted 60.51 Plasma Flux Psu 2S (For Crrt Machine) Code No-5004811 60.52 Plasmid Extraction Kit(Column Based) 60.53 Plasmid Extraction Kit(Column Based) Probes For Fish 60.54 Plasmodium Falciparum Strip/Card 60.55 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Assay 60.56 Plasmodium Vivax Strips/Cards 60.57 Plastic Carbuoys (Assorted Sizes) 10 L 60.58 Plastic Carbuoys (Assorted Sizes) 20 L

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Tender Value
INR 10 Lakhs /-
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