
Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Antibiotics, Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Gases, Alkali Metals, Chsc Pune-Maharashtra

Ministry Of Defence has published Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Antibiotics, Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Gases, Alkali Metals. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-04-2017. Medicine Tenders in Chsc Pune Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Antibiotics, Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Gases, Alkali Metals
Open Tender
Chsc Pune

Tender Details

Supply Of 1 Artemether 80Mg / Ml, 1 Ml Inj 2 Artesunate 50Mg Tab 3 Ascorbic Acid 100 Mg Tab 4 Ascorbic Acid 500 Mg Tab 5 Aspirin ( Soluble ) 350Mg Tab 6 Aspirin 150 Mg Tab 7 Aspirin 150Mg + Clopidegrel 75 Mg Tab 8 Atazanavir 300 Mg Tab 9 Atorvastatin 10 Mg With Aspirin 75 Mg Tab 10 Atropine Sulphate 0.6Mg, 1 Ml Inj 11 Atropine Sulphate 1% W / V Bott Of 3 Ml 12 Atropine Sulphate Oint 1% Tube Of 3 Gm 13 Azathioprine 50Mg Tab 14 Azelastine Nasal Spray 0.10% W / V 15 Azelastine Ophthalmic Soln Bott Of 5 Ml 16 Azithromycin 500 Mg Inj 17 Thiamine 50 Mg Inj 18 Bacillocid 19 Baclofen Extended Release 20 Mg Tab 20 Beclomethasone 50 Mcg With Salbutamol100mcg ( Aerocort ) 21 Beclomethasone Oint Tube Of 20 Gm 22 Povidone Iodine Mouth Wash 100 Ml 23 Betahistine 16 Mg Tab 24 Betahistine 24 Mg Tab 25 Betahistine 48 Mg Tab 26 Betamethasone 0.1% Sodium Phosphate With 0.5% Neomycin Sulphate W / V Eye Drop, Bott Of 5 Ml 27 Betamethasone 4 Mg 1 Ml Inj 28 Betamethasone Nasal Spray 29 Betamethasone Ointment Containing Betamethasone 0.64Mg ( 0.05% ) Salicylic Acid Ip 30Mg ( 3% ) Tube Of 10 Gm 30 Betaxolol Eye Drops 0.25%-0.5% Bott Of 5 Ml 31 Brinzolamide 1% With Preservative Benzalkonium Chloride 0.01%W / V Sterile 32 Budesonide Nasal Spray 33 Busulfan 60Mg Inj 34 Calamine 8% Lotion 35 Calcium Acetate 667 Mg Tab 36 Calcium Carbonate 1.5G Tab 37 Calcium Carbonate 150 Mg + Vit D3 125 Mg Bot Of 150 Ml Syp 38 Calcium Gluconate 0.5G Tab 39 Calcium Polystryne Sulphate Powder D 3, 60000 Iu 40 Capsacin Gel 20 Mg 41 Captopril 25 Mg Tab 42 Carbamazepine 100 Mg Tab 43 Carbamazepine 200 Mg Cr Tab 44 Carbolic Acid 500 Ml Bott 45 Carboplatin 450Mg Inj 46 Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Eye Drop Bott Of 5 Ml 47 Carboxymethyl Cellulose Lubricant Eye Drop 5 Mg + Oxychlorocomplex + Calcium Chloride + Magnesium Chloride + Sodium Borate + Sodium Chloride + Purified Water 48 Carnitine 200 Mg Tab 49 Carnitine 500Mg Tab 50 Carvedilol 25 Mg Tab 51 Carvidilol 6.25 Mg 52 Cefipime 1Gm Inj 53 Cefiprome 1 Gm Inj 54 Celecoxib 200 Mg Tab 55 Chloramphenicol 0.5% + Dexamethasone Sodium 0.1% Bott Of 5 Ml 56 Chlorpromazine 25 Mg Tab 57 Chlorzoxazone 500 Mg + Diclofenac Sod + Paracetamol Tab 58 Choline Salicylate 9% Banzalkonium Chloride 0.2% Gel 59 Cilastazole Tab 100 Mg 60 Cinacalcet 30 Mg Tab 61 Ciprofloxacin 0.3% Eye Drops Of 3Mg / Ml Bott Of 5 Ml 62 Ciprofloxacin 200 Mg / 100Ml Inj 63 Ciprofloxacin Hcl 0.3% Tube Of 5 Gm Eye Oint 64 Clarithromycin 500Mg Inj 65 Clindamycin 150 Mg Cap 66 Paracetamol 500 Mg Tab 67 Paracetamol 650 Mg Tab 68 Paracetamol 750 Mg Tab 69 Clindamycin 300 Mg Cap 70 Clindamycin 300 Mg Inj 71 Clindamycin Inj 600Mg 72 Paracetamol 325 Mg + Ibuprofen 400 Mg Tab => Limited Tender

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Tender Value
INR 17 Lakhs /-
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