
Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Purulia-West Bengal

Government Of West Bengal has published Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-04-2017. Chemical Supply Tenders in Purulia West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals At Zoology Department - 1 Paraffin 2 Formaldehyde 3 Ethanol 4 Acetone 5 Haematoxylene 6 Ethyl Alcohol 7 Potassium Alum 8 Mercuric Oxide (Red) 9 Mayers Albumin 10 Cedarwood Oil 11 Xylene 12 Chloroform 13 Na2hpo4 14 Eosin 15 Picric Acid 16 Agno3 17 Potassium Chromate Indicator 18 Brucine Powder 19 Na-K Tartarate 20 Bovine Serum Albumin 21 Dnsa(Dinitro Salicylic Acid) 22 Starch Powder 23 Sodium Acetate 24 Nacl 25 Tca(Trichloroacetic Acid) 26 Folin Solution 27 Potassium Iodide 28 Sodium Iodite 29 Phenolphthalein Solution 30 Nh4cl 31 Nh4oh 32 Mgso4 33 Imidazole 34 Kcl 35 Mgcl2 36 Ouabain 37 Ammonium Molybdate 38 Tween 20 39 Buffer Capsule Ph 4 40 Buffer Capsule Ph 7 41 E Coli Test Kit 42 Faecal Coliform Test Kit 43 Kit For Phospate Test (Merck) 44 Kit For Nitrate Test (Merck) 45 Kit For Alkalinity Test(Merck) 48 Thermometer Battery Operated 49 Bod Bottle 50 Glass Beaker 51 Glass Conical Flask 52 Burette With Stand 53 Glass Pipette(Graduated) 54 Microtips, Tubes 2-200Ul, 200-1000Ul, 0.2-10Ul 55 Microfuge Tube 1.5 Ml 0.5 Ml 2 Ml 56 Fbs Us Origin, Gamma Irradiated, Sterile Filtered 57 Screw Cap Bottle Autoclavable 250 Ml And 500 Ml 58 Rpmi, With Sodium Bicarbonate, W/O Lglutamine, Liquid Tissue Culture Medium 59 Dmem, Low Glucose, Without L- Glutamineliquid Tissue Culture Meium 60 Anti Rabbit-Hrp Conjugated Secondary Antibody 61 Deionized Water 62 Vacuum Driven Filter Unit, 0.22 Um Pore, Nylon, 250 Ml Capacity 63 96-Well 480 Pcr Plates, Clear, Clear, 25/Pack 64 Adhesive Seals, Optically Clear Seal, 100/Pack 65 Reverse Transcription Supermix For Rt-Qpcr, 100 X 20 Μl Reactions 66 Parafilm 67 Ethidiumbromide (Salt) 68 Dna Ladder (Desired Products Of Ca. 1600 Bases) 69 Tae Buffer- Tris Base (Mw=121.1) 70 Glacial Acetic Acid 71 Kcl 72 Kh2po4 73 Cacl2, 2H2o 74 Mgcl2,6H2o 75 Hcl 76 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets 77 Giemsas Staining Powder 78 Methyl Alcohol 79 Glycerol 80 Haematoxylin 81 Mercuric Chloride 82 Lugols Iodine 83 Immersion Oil 84 Sodium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate 85 Disodium Hydrogen Orthophosphate 86 25Perc. Glutaraldehyde Solution 87 Amyl Acetate 88 Storing Bottle- 250 Ml 89 Storing Bottle- 500 Ml 90 Bottle With Tube- 500Ml 91 Measuring Cyllinder- 50 Ml 92 Measuring Cyllinder-100 Ml 93 Petri Dish- 200*30 Mm 94 Funnel- 50Mm 95 Filter Paper 96 Cotton 97 Watch Glass 98 Mortar, Pestle 99 Test Tube Rack 100 Slides 101 Coplin Jar 102 Glass Marking Pencil 103 Staining Tray 104 Ferric Ammonium Sulfate 105 Haematoxylin Powder 106 Potassium Iodide 107 Iodine Crystal 108 Dpx 109 Lithium Carbonate 110 Leishmans Stain 111 Sucrose 112 Na- Cacodylate Buffer 113 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate 114 Lysis Buffer 115 Phenol, Saturated 116 Molecular Distilled Water 117 Primers Uep-F, Uep-R, Mx3, Mx5 118 Test Tubes Borosil 15 Ml 119 Measuring Cylinder (Plastic) 100 Ml Measuring Cyllinder(Plastic) 250Ml Measuring Cyllinder(Plastic) 500Ml 120 Eppendorf Tubes 1.5 Ml 121 Eppendorf Rack 1.5Ml 122 Methanol Merck 123 Giemsa Stain Merck 124 Colchicine Merck/Srl 125 Maygrunwald Stain Merck 126 Spatula 127 Xylol Merck 128 Canada Balsam Merck 129 Sodium Di Hydrogen Phosphate Merck 130 Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Merck 131 Sodium Hydroxide 132 Trisodium Citrate Merck 133 N-Hexane Merck 134 Edta Merck 135 Sodium Carbonate 136 Sodium Bi Carbonate 137 Tlc Paper Plates Merck 138 Silver Nitrate Srl/Merck 139 Crucible 140 Aceto-Orcein Nice/Merck 141 Acetocarmine Nice/Merck 142 Salivary Amylase Kit (Span) 143 Ggt Kit Span/Reckon 144 Creatinine Kit Span/Reckon 145 Cholesterol Kit Span/Reckon 146 Ria Vial Eppendorf 147 Ninhydrin Emerck 148 Acrylamide Srl 149 Bisacrylamide Srl 150 Coomasie Blue Srl 151 Bromophenol Blue Srl 152 Aps Srl 153 Temed Srl 154 Sds Merck 155 Ethidium Bromide 156 Mol Wt Marker Protein Medium Range 157 Mol Wt Marker Dna Medium Range Srl 158 Agarose Mol Bio Work 159 Round Bottom Flask 250 Ml 160 Tris Merck 161 Tris-Hcl Merck 162 Methylene Blue 163 Leishmann Stain 164 Betulinic Acid 165 Ascorbic Acid 166 Glycerine 167 Filter For Culture Media Large Pore 172 Glass Pipette 10 Ml 173 Glass Pipette5 Ml 174 Distilled Water 175 Petroleum-Ether 176 Methomyl Carbamate 177 Clorpyrifos 178 Endosulfan 179 Pyrethroid 180 Glyphosate 181 Permethrin 182 Haemoglobin Assay Kit 183 Dissolved Oxygen Estimation Kit 184 Glucose 185 Palmitic Acid 186 Glycogen 187 Adp 188 Sephadex G-50 189 2-Mercaptoethanol 190 Fadrozole Hydrochloride 191 Plankton Net 192 Mist Net 193 Electronic Vernier Caliper 194 Propan-2-Ol 195 Thiobarbituric Acid (Tba) 196 Sucrose Extrapure 197 Nadh Disodium Salt 198 Trichloro Acetic Acid (Tca) Extrapure 199 Glutathione Reduced (Gsh) 200 N-Propanal Srl 201 Fecl3.6H2o Srl 202 Alpha Tocopherol Srl 203 Nbt Srl 204 Riboflavin Srl 205 Methionine Srl 206 Dtnb Srl 207 Reduced Glutathione 208 Sodium Azide Srl 209 Vanilline Sd Fine 210 Potassium Thiocyanate Srl 211 Fe(No3)3 Merck 212 Progesterone Srl

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