
Auction, Metal Scrap, Aluminum Scrap, Steel scrap, Electronics Scrap, e-Waste, Plastic and Rubber Scrap, Rubber Scrap, Scraps, Scrap, Wood and Paper Scrap, Wooden Scrap, Machinery and Tools, Tools and General Machinery, Garden Tools, Material Handling Mac, Bathinda-Punjab

Metal Scrap Trading Corporation Limited has published Auction, Metal Scrap, Aluminum Scrap, Steel scrap, Electronics Scrap, e-Waste, Plastic and Rubber Scrap, Rubber Scrap, Scraps, Scrap, Wood and Paper Scrap, Wooden Scrap, Machinery and Tools, Tools and General Machinery, Garden Tools, Material Handling Mac. Submission Date for this Tender is 02-02-2017. Aluminum Scrap Tenders in Bathinda Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Auction, Metal Scrap, Aluminum Scrap, Steel scrap, Electronics Scrap, e-Waste, Plastic and Rubber Scrap, Rubber Scrap, Scraps, Scrap, Wood and Paper Scrap, Wooden Scrap, Machinery and Tools, Tools and General Machinery, Garden Tools, Material Handling Mac
Open Tender

Tender Details

Auction Sale Of Alluminium Scrap, 2000 Kg, Unsv, Cable Carried Cord, 3000 Kg, Unsv, Computer Scrap, 4000 Kg, Unsv, Mt Scrap, 10000 Kg, Unsv, Rubber Scrap, 10000 Kg, Unsv, Signal & Wireless Scrap, 5000 Kg, Unsv, Jack Lifting O / S, 100 No, Axes Pick Head O / S, 70 No, Unsv, Blanket Bk / Ei Old, 2000 No, Unsv, Boot Ankle / Dms, 5000 ( Prs ) , Unsv, Bty 12V 120 Ah, 200 No, Unsv, Bty 12V 120 Ah, 200 No, Unsv, Bty 12V 180 Ah, 200 No, Unsv, Bty 12V 180 Ah, 200 No, Unsv, Bty 12V 180 Ah, 200 No, Unsv, Bty 12V 60 Ah, 250 No, Unsv, Bty 12V 70 Ah, 400 No, Unsv, Bty 12V 88 Ah, 400 No, Unsv, Bty 12V 88 Ah, 400 No, Unsv, Bty 12V 92 Ah, 200 No, Unsv, Bty 12V 200 Ah, 200 No, Unsv, Bty Bsp 12V 75 Ah Steel Body, 200 No, Unsv, Bty 6V 150 Ah, 70 No, Bty 6V 120 Ah, 45 No, Etc, Bty 12V 100 Ah, 14 No, Bty 12V 130 Ah, 150 No, Etc, Case & Cradle, 15 No, Unsv, Ms Scrap, 3000 Kg, Unsv, Wheel Disc O / S Large, 250 No, Unsv, Transfer Case Assy O / S, 10 No, Unsv, Lamp Incandescent, 100 No, Unsv, Wooden Scrap, 3000 Kg, Unsv, Leather Scrap, 1500 Kg, Unsv, Blanket Bk / Ei Old, 2000 No, Unsv, Case And Cradle, 15 No, Unsv, Fire Ext 25 Kgs, 25 No, Fire Ext 75 Kgs, 25 No Etc, Machinery O / S, 40 No, Unsv, Washing Motor Veh To Gun Wheel, 2 No, Unsv, Gen Set 11.25 Kva Unmtd, 3 No, Ber, Wheel Disc O / S Small, 150 No, Unsv, Wheel Disc O / S Large, 250 No, Unsv, Bty 12V 120 Ah, 200 No, Unsv, Mt Scrap, 10000 Kg, Unsv

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