
Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Antibiotics, Chemical Oil and Gas, Additives Supply, Anti Oxidants-Kerala

Hll Lifecare Limited has published Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Antibiotics, Chemical Oil and Gas, Additives Supply, Anti Oxidants. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-01-2017. Medicine Tenders in Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Antibiotics, Chemical Oil and Gas, Additives Supply, Anti Oxidants
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Tender Details

Supply Of Pharmaceutical Products -Hll / Sd / Cho / 2015-17 / Tender / 008 Dated 23.12.2016 1 Uterine Tonic 2 Newlife Delivery Cum Surgical Kit 3 Newlife Surgical Kit 4 Newlife Delivery Kit 5 Dehydroepiandosterone ( Micronized ) 75Mg, Construction Of Enzyme Q10 100Mg, Folic Acid 4.5Mg, Vitamin D3 ( Stabilized ) 3000 Iu 6 Ulipristal Acetate 5 Mg Capsules 7 Enclomifene Citrate 100Mg Sogt Gel Capsules 8 Ondansetron 4Mg Mouth Dissolving Tabs 9 Natural Micronised Progestrone 100Mg Soft Gel Caps 10 Natural Micronised Progestrone 200Mg Soft Gel Caps 11 Natural Micronized Progesterone 300Mg Sustained Released Tablets 12 Folic Acid 5Mg + Methcobalamine 1500Mcg + Pyridoxine Hcl 1.5 Mg + Dha 200Mg 13 Grapeseed Extract 25Mg + Construction Of Enzymeq10 + Lycopene 2 Mg+ Lutein 3Mg + Vit. A 5000Iu+ Vit B1 5Mg + Vit B2 5Mg+ Vit B6 1.5Mg + Vit B12 15Mcg + Folic Acid 1.5Mg + Zinc Suplhate 23Mcg + Selenium Dioxide 75Mcg 14 Myo - Inositol 550Mg+ D - Chiro Inositol 13.8Mg+ N- Acetyl Cysteine ( Nac ) 600Mg+ Vitamin D3 400 Iu 15 Rabeprazole 20 Mg+Domperidone 30 Mg Caps 16 Calcium Orotate 740Mg 17 Elemental Calcium 250Mg With Vitamin D3 Tablets 18 Elemental Calcium 500Mg With Vitamin D3 Tablets 19 Grape Seed Extract Befotiamine Biotin Multivitamins And Multiminerals Soft Gelatin Capsules 20 Ferrous Ascorbate Eq To 100Mg Iron+ Folic Acid 1.5Mg + Zinc 22.5Mg Tabs 21 Norethisterone 5 Mg Tabs 22 Fluconazole 150Mg Tabs 23 Misoprostol 200Mcg Tabs 24 Natural Micronised Progesterone 300Mg Sr Tabs , Hll / Sd / Cho / 2015-17 / Tender / 008 Dated 23.12.2016 25 Amoxycillin 250Mg + Clavulanic Acid 125Mg Tabs 26 Amoxycillin 500Mg + Potassium Clavulanate 125Mg Tabs 27 Acetazolamide 250 Mg 28 Acetylsalicylic Acid 300 Mg 29 Acetylsalicylic Acid 30 Activated Charcoal 31 Acyclovir 32 Acyclovir 33 Adenosine 34 Adrenaline 35 Albendazole 36 Allopurinol 37 Alprostadil 38 Alteplase 39 Amiodarone 40 Amitriptyline 41 Amlodipine 42 Amoxicillin 43 Amoxicillin ( A ) + Clavulanic Acid ( B ) 44 Amphotericin B A ) Amphotericin B ( Conventional ) B ) Lipid! Liposomal Amphotericin B 45 Ampicillin 46 Anastrazole Tab 47 Anti Thymocyte Globuline Inj 48 Anti-D Immunoglobulin 49 Anti-Fungal Powder 50 Anti-Tetanus Immunoglobulin 51 Argon Gas 52 Arsenic Trioxide Inj 53 Artemether ( A ) + Lumefantrine ( B ) 54 Artesunate Hll / Sd / Cho / 2015-17 / Tender / 008 Dated 23.12.2016 55 Artesunate ( A ) + Sulphadoxine - Pyrimethamine ( B ) 56 Ascorbic Acid ( Vitamin C ) 57 Atenolol 58 Atorvastatin 59 Atra ( Vasanoid ) Tab 60 Atracurium 61 Atropine 62 Atropine 63 Atropine 64 Azacitidine Inj. 65 Azathioprine 66 Azithromycin 67 Abiraterone Acetate 68 Baclofen 69 Barium Sulphate 70 Bcg Onconstruction Of Inj 71 Bendamustine Inj 72 Benzathine Benzylpenicillin 73 Benzoyl Peroxide 74 Benzyl Penicillin 75 Benzyrl Peroxide Gel 76 Betamethasone 77 Betamethasone 78 Bevacizumab Inj 79 Bicalutamide Tab. 80 Bisacodyl 81 Bleaching Powder 82 Bleomycin Sulphate Inj 83 Bortezomib Inj 84 Budesonide 85 Budesonide ( A ) ± Fonnoterol ( B )

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