
Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Military Hospital Agra-Uttar Pradesh

Indian Army has published Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-10-2016. Medicine Tenders in Military Hospital Agra Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh
Military Hospital Agra

Tender Details

Procurement Of Expendable Medical Stores For Bonafied Echs Patients And Their Dependent Of Echs Polyclinics Dependent On Mh Agra ( 1 Amniotic Membrane Sheet , Dry , Sterile 2 Applicator Instruments For Sis & Prolaps Repair Meshes Reuseable Stainless Steel Transofuturatoric Normal Set Of Left & Right Size Med & Large 3 Articulating Paper 4 Bandage Elastic Adhesive, 6 Cm X 3 Metres Unstretched And 5-6 Metres When Stretched. 5 Broaches 10, 30, 35 & 40 6 Calcium Hydroxide Powder 7 Cap Lansoprozole 30 Mg + Tinidazole 500 Mg + Clarithromycin 250 Mg Kit Of 6 Tab 8 Cap Omega 3 Fatty Acids Extract Of Green Tea Ginkgo And Grape Seed Antioxidant, Vitamins, Minerals And Trace Elements ( Absolut 3G ) 9 Cap Rifampicin 150 Mg 10 Cap New I Site 11 Clove Oil 12 Knee Brace Medium 13 Knee Brace S- Large 14 Mccartney Tube For Minimal Invasive Gynocology 15 Cordless Fully Dispo Marcellator Intended For Tissue Maecellation During Lap Gynae Procedures Like Hysterectomy And Myomectomy Outer Dia Should Be 15 Mm Operating Length 16 Cm 16 Disposable Crescent 17 Disposable Groove Blade 18 Disposable Side Port 15 Degree 19 E / D Moxifloxacin 0.5% , Preservative Free 20 E / D Prednisolone Acetate1.0% 21 E / D Sodium Chromoglycate 4%, Bott Of 5 Ml 22 E / D Tobramycin 0.3%, Bott Of 5 Ml 23 E / D Carboxy Methyl Cellalose 0.5% 24 E / D Carboxy Methyl Cellalose 1% 25 E / D Ciprofloxacin Hcl 0.3% + Dexamethasone 0.1% Bott Of 5Ml 26 E / D Sulphacetamide 20% 27 Electrosurgical Loap Electrode With T Bar, Width 10 Mm, Depth 12 Mm, Length 120 Mm 28 Film X - Ray Dental Single 3.2Cm X 4.1Cm ( 1 1 / 4 X 1 5 / 8 ) 29 Film X-Ray 30.5Cm X 25.4Cm ( 12 X 10 ) High Speed 30 Film X-Ray 38.1Cm X 30.5Cm ( 15 X 12 ) High Speed 31 Film X-Ray 43.18Cm X35.56 Cm ( 17 X 14 ) High Speed. 32 Folleys Catheter 2 Way S-16 Fr 33 Folleys Catheter S-14 34 Feeding Tube S - 5 35 Feeding Tube S - 8 36 Intracath Iv Size 18G 37 Set Intravenous Infusion For Iv Fluids 38 Foot Insole Antimicrobial 39 G.P Points 0.029 Mm In Length S-15 40 G.P Points 0.029 Mm In Length S-20 41 G.P Points 0.029 Mm In Length S-25 42 G.P Points 0.029 Mm In Length S-30 43 G.P Points 0.029 Mm In Length S-40 44 G.P Points 0.029 Mm In Length S-50 45 G.P Points 0.029 Mm In Length S-60 46 G.P Points 0.029 Mm In Length S-70 47 G.P Points 0.029 Mm In Length S-80 48 G.P Solvent 49 Gloves Unsterile For Examination S-7 50 Gloves Unsterile For Examination S-7.5 51 H File 25 Mm In Length S 15 52 H File 25 Mm In Length S 20 53 H File 25 Mm In Length S 25 54 H File 25 Mm In Length S 35 55 H File 25 Mm In Length S 40 56 H File 25 Mm In Length S 45 57 H File 25 Mm In Length S 50 58 H File 25 Mm In Length S 55 59 H File 25 Mm In Length S 60 60 H File 25 Mm In Length S 70 61 H File 25 Mm In Length S 80 62 K-File 25 Mm In Length S-120 63 K-File 25 Mm In Length S-15 64 K-File 25 Mm In Length S-25 65 K-File 25 Mm In Length S-30 66 K-File 25 Mm In Length S-35 67 K-File 25 Mm In Length S-40 68 K-File 25 Mm In Length S-45 69 K-File 25 Mm In Length S-50 70 K-File 25 Mm In Length S-60 71 K-File 25 Mm In Length S-70 72 Drop Iron Paediatric Containing Ferrous Fumerate 25Mg / Ml Vit B 12 12.5 Mg / Ml & Folic Acid 200 Mg / Ml, Bott Of 15 Ml 73 Inh Ipratropium Bromide 74 Inh Salbutamol Aerosol Inhalation Pack Of 200 Metered Doses 75 Inh Tiotropium Bromide 9 Mcg 200 Meteered Doses 76 Inh Salbutamol 100 Mcg + Ipratropium 20 Mcg 77 Inh Salmeterol 50 Mcg + Fluticasone 250 Mcg 78 Inh Tiotropium Bromide 9 Mcg 200 Meteered Doses 79 Inj Bcg Vaccine 80 Inj Caffine Citrate 20 Mg / Ml 81 Inj Cholecalceferol ( Vit D3 ) 82 Inj Factor Viii 250 Iu 83 Inj Human Albumin 20% In Bott Of 100 Ml 84 Inj Hydroxy Progesterone Caproate 500 Mg / 2 Ml 85 Inj Benzathine Penicillin 12 Lac Iu 86 Inj Human Chorinic Gonadotrophin 5000 Iu 87 Inj Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin 2000 Iu 88 Inj Imipenem 500 Mg+ Cilastin 500Mg 89 Inj Insulin Analogue Premix 25% Insulin Lispro, 75% Insulin Lispro Protamine Sulphate 100 Iu / Ml, Cart Of 3 Ml 90 Inj Insulin Degludec 3 Ml ( 100 Iu / Ml ) ` 91 Inj Insulin Human Analouge Rapid Acting 100 Iu / Ml 3 Ml 92 Inj Iohexol 300 Mg / Ml In Vial Of 50 Ml 93 Inj Ketamine 50 Mg / Ml 94 Inj Methoxy Polyethylene Glycol Epoetin Beta 100 Mcg, 0.3 Ml 95 Inj Methoxy Polyethylene Glycol Epoetin Beta 50 Mcg, 0.3 Ml 96 Inj Mr Vaccine ( Measles & Rubella - Live Attenuated ) In Ml 97 Inj Piperacillin + Tazobactum 4.5 Gms 98 Inj Metoclopramide 5 Mg / Amp 99 Inj Methylergometrine 2 Ml 100 Inj Promethazine Hydrochloride 2.5% In 2Ml 101 Inj Glycopyrrolate 0.2 Mg / Ml Ampl Of 1 Ml 102 Inj Metronidazole For Iv Use 500 Mg / 100 Ml Bott 103 Hbsag Elisa Kit ( Kit Of 96 Test ) 104 Hbsag Rapid Test 105 Hcv Elisa Kit ( Kit Of 96 Test ) 106 Hcv Rapid Test 107 Hiv Elisa Kit ( Kit Of 96 Test ) 108 Hiv Rapid Test 109 Kit Bilirubin Direct 4X50 110 Kit Bilirubin Total 4X50 111 Kit Cholesterol 5X20 112 Kit Ckmb 5X2.5 113 Kit Creatinine 4X60 114 Kit Crp ( Nyocord ) 24X1 115 Cell Pack ( 20 Ltr ) 116 Kit For Glucose 2X200 117 Kit Malaria Pf / Pv Kit Of 50 Test 118 Kit Triglyceride 5X20 119 Kit Troponin T Of 5 Test 120 Kit Urea 5X20 121 Kit Uric Acid 5X20 122 Kit Widal Test Kit 4X5 Ml 123 Lot Chlorhexidine Gluconate 4% W / V Scrub Bott Of 500 Ml 124 Lot Drabkins Soulution ( Diluting Solution For Haemoglobin Estimation By Cyanmet Haemoglobin Method ) 125 Matrix Band )

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Tender Value
INR 25 Lakhs /-
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