Heavy Repairs To Flooring, Plastering, Doors, Kitchen Platform, Leaky Roof And Courtyard Along With Sewer System And Water Supply To The Staff Quarters Ghoti, Padli, Asvali, Lahavit, Gate No. 84E, 85, Devlali, Nashik, Odha, Kherwadi, Gate No. 96, Kasbe Sukene And Tmw Colony 1 / B. Manmad:-Heavy Repairs To Leaky Roof, Water Supply Arrangement, Sanitary Fittings, Kitchen Platforms, Bathrooms, Wc S, Courtyard Wall, Partition Walls, Flooring , Plastering, Doors, Windows, Jaffries To Staff Quarters In Panchvati, 28Unit Colony, Godavari, Filter House And 50 / 12 / 36 Units Colonies. Total 403 Units 1 / C.Manmad:-Niphad To Ankai - Heavy Repairs To Bathroom, Kitchen, Toilet, Courtyard And Roof Of Staff Quarters At Niphad, Ugaon, Lasalgaon, Summit, Ankai And Ankai Killa Station Of Assistant Divisional Engineer, Manmad Subdivision Length. 2.Manmad C&W Complex :- Heavy Repairs To Damaged Washing Pit And Water Pipe Line At Manmad Coaching Complex. 3.Mamnad:- Repairs To Flooring, Plastering, Colouring, Painting, Water Supply Etc.Of Service Buildings On Station, Platform Etc. 4. Senior Divisional Engineer ( South ) Bhusawal Section- Replacement Of Gate Lodges At Level Crossing No. 101, 102, 112 On Igatpuri - Bhusawal Section And Level Crossing No. 83 On Mamnad- Daund Section And At Level Crossing No. 02 On Mamnad Aurangabad Section