Acquisition Of Foodstuffs To Meet The Demand Of The 9Th Firefighters Group, Cities Of Foz Do Iguaçu; Medianeira; São Miguel Do Iguaçu; Santa Helena And Santa Terezinha De Itaipu/Pr. Sugar, Sweetener, Starch, Condiment, Chocolate, Benefited Rice, Olive Oil, Canned Vegetable, Processed Potato, Cookie, Cookie, Cookie, Cocoa, Coffee, Seasoning, Spice, Corn, Grated Coconut, Soup, Cream, Condiment, Condiment, Candid, Sweet Milk Tomato, Cassava Flour, Cornmeal, Breadcrumbs, Flour, Flour, Legume, Legume, Yeast, Yeast, Cornmeal, Food Gelatin, Condiment, Pasta, Pasta, Noodles, Table Sauce, Spare Vegetable, Table Sauce, Table Sauce, Table Sauce, Condiment, Oil Vegetable, Condiment, Condiment, Condiment, Seasoning, Starch, Salt, Juice, Seasoning, Seasoning, Kibe Flour, Vinegar, Vinegar, Cheese, Condensed Milk, Dairy Drink, Dough, Sugar, Sweetener, Starch, Condiment, Chocolate, Benefited Rice, Olive Oil, Canned Potatoes, Potato Processed, Cookie, Cookie, Cookie, Cookie, Cocoa, Coffee, Seasoning, Seasoning, Corn, Tea Feeding, Grated Coconut, Soup, Cream, Condiment, Condiment, Condiment, Candy Not Conjured, Sweet Milk, Oleagin, Tomatoes, Tomato Pasta