Company Hiring, Associations And/Or Alloys For The Provision Of Championships And Arbitration Services Promoted Through The Municipal Secretariat Of Sports, Comprising: Organization Of Municipal And Open Championships, With Opening, Tables, Sumulas, Disciplinary Commission, Safety And Closure And Arbitration Of Municipal And Open Championships, In The Modalities Of Futsal, Soccer, Volleyball, Sand And Jex Volleyball, According To Other Specifications Of Jex Notice.. Promotion Of Sports And Recreation Activities, Promotion Of Sports And Recreation Activities, Promotion Of Sports And Recreation Activities, Promotion Of Sports And Recreation Activities, Promotion Of Sports And Recreation Activities, Promotion Of Sports And Recreation Activities, Promotion Of Sports And Recreation Activities, Promotion Of Sports And Recreation, Promotion Of Activities, Promotion, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion Of Activities, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation, Promotion And Recreation Activities Sports And Recreation, Promotion Of Sports And Recreation Activities