Bids Are Invited For Execution Service Of: Routine Maintenance Of The Departmental Via Pa-114 Trajectory: Emp. Pe -5N (Constitution City) - Pte. Arriero - Hanswald - The Immaculate - One Day Flower - Devils Current (37+005): Devils Current (Km 37+145) - Puerto Mayro (Km 40+428), Puerto Mayro (40+520) - Emp. Pa-109., Districts Of Palcazú And Constitución, Province Oxapampa, Region Pasco
Bids Are Invited For Execution Service Of: Routine Maintenance Of The Departmental Via Pa-114 Trajectory: Emp. Pe -5N (Constitution City) - Pte. Arriero - Hanswald - The Immaculate - One Day Flower - Devils Current (37+005): Devils Current (Km 37+145) - Puerto Mayro (Km 40+428), Puerto Mayro (40+520) - Emp. Pa-109., Districts Of Palcazú And Constitución, Province Oxapampa, Region Pasco
Execution Service Of: Routine Maintenance Of The Departmental Via Pa-114 Trajectory: Emp. Pe -5N (Constitution City) - Pte. Arriero - Hanswald - The Immaculate - One Day Flower - Devils Current (37+005): Devils Current (Km 37+145) - Puerto Mayro (Km 40+428), Puerto Mayro (40+520) - Emp. Pa-109., Districts Of Palcazú And Constitución, Province Oxapampa, Region Pasco
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