Bids Are Invited For Portland Cement Puzolanic Type Ip X 42.50 Kg - Acquisition Of Cement Portland Puzolanic Type Ip X 42.5 Kg. For The Work: Improvement And Expansion Of The Initial Education Service In The Educational Institutions No. 292 San Bernardo, No. 312 Tres Islands, No. 313 Palma Real, No. 378 Los Pihuichitos Santa Teresita, No. 398 El Castañal And No. 395 Pr
Bids Are Invited For Portland Cement Puzolanic Type Ip X 42.50 Kg - Acquisition Of Cement Portland Puzolanic Type Ip X 42.5 Kg. For The Work: Improvement And Expansion Of The Initial Education Service In The Educational Institutions No. 292 San Bernardo, No. 312 Tres Islands, No. 313 Palma Real, No. 378 Los Pihuichitos Santa Teresita, No. 398 El Castañal And No. 395 Pr
Portland Cement Puzolanic Type Ip X 42.50 Kg - Acquisition Of Cement Portland Puzolanic Type Ip X 42.5 Kg. For The Work: Improvement And Expansion Of The Initial Education Service In The Educational Institutions No. 292 San Bernardo, No. 312 Tres Islands, No. 313 Palma Real, No. 378 Los Pihuichitos Santa Teresita, No. 398 El Castañal And No. 395 Pr
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