Quotation are invited for Appointment of a Service Provider to Supply Deliver Furniture for KZN HDA Office. A) All Quotations must only be Emailed to the E-Mail Address Provided above B) the General Conditions of Contract will Apply C) Late / Incomplete Quotations will not be Considered D) All Pricing should be Sumitted on the Supplier/Service Provider Company Letter Head and on Our Rfq Documets. E) Service Provider/Supplier are Requested to Quote the Rfq Number and Description on the Subject Line of the Email. Notes the Purpose of this Document is to: (I) Draw Special Attention to Certain General Conditions Applicable to Government Bids, Contracts and Orders; And (Ii) to Ensure that Clients be Familiar with Regard to the Rights and Obligations of All Parties Involved in Doing Business with Government. Pricing Schedule Bidders are Required to Provide Price Proposals and the Broken down of How the Bidder Arrived at the Final Price. All prices to be VAT inclusive. Prices are to be Fixed for the Duration of the Contract. Tender Link : http://thehda.co.za/tenders
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.