In Order To Increase The Landfill Capacity, There Is A Need To Take Out Mountains In The Area At Solgård Waste Site. With This Contract, Movar Wants To Enter Into An Agreement That Gives The Supplier (In Some Documents Referred To As The Contractor) The Right To Take Out Mountains (Stone / Masses). The Total Amount Of Mountains That The Supplier Is Given The Right To Take Out Is In The Order Of 800,000 M3 Of Solid Rock. The Mountain That The Supplier Takes Out Becomes The Suppliers Property And Can Be Used Or Sold As The Supplier Himself Wants. For This, The Supplier Is Expected To Pay Movar An Amount Per Tonne Of Mountain Masses Taken Out. With This Concession Contract - The Agreement - Movar Will Grant A Supplier Permission To, Over Time, To Take Out Mountains. The Agreement Is Set Up So That The Supplier Becomes The Owner Of The Mountain / Stone, And Can Utilize The One He Wants, E.G. To Sell It At Whatever Price He Succeeds In The Market. The Agreement Will Extend Over Several Years, Both To Provide The Necessary Time To Take Out The Relevant Amounts Of Mountains, But Also So Supplier Can Adapt The Withdrawal To The Market Situation. Such A Contract Which Means That The Supplier Is Given A Right To Withdraw Mountains Is Called A Concession Contract. It Opens For The Supplier To Crush / Pucks In The Area, As Well As Within Certain Boundaries Of Intermediate Stores There.
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.