Lot 1 - Workforce Of Heavy Machinery Electrician, Lot 1 - Air Conditioner Recycling/ Measurement Service, Lot 2 - Light Vehicle Mechanical Work Hand, Lot 2 - Light Vehicle Electrician Work, Lot 2 - Recycling/ Air Conditional Gas Assessment Service, Lot 2 - Lot Vehicle Mechanical Resistance, Lot 3 - Lot 3 - Lot 3 - Lot 3 - Lot 3 - Tire And Bus Tire Balancing, Lot 3 - Truck/ Bus Tire Repair, Lot 3 - Tire/ Bus Tire Mounting, Lot 3 - Tire/ Bus Tire Assembly, Lot 3 - Bobcat Tire Repair, Lot 3 - Lot 3 - Motor Tire Tire Repair, Lot 3 - Tire Repair 3 Tractor, Lot 3 - Blood Tire Front Tire, Lot 3 - Retroeschaw Return Tire Replace, Lot 3 - Bobcat Tire Mounting, Lot 3 - Pa Tire Screen, Lot 3 - Monting Of Motoring Tire, Lot 3 - Tractor Tire Screap, Lot 3 - Front Tip Money Lot 3 - Assembly Of Backcaping Rear Tire, Lot 3 - Relief Rubber - Machinery And Heavy Equipment, Lot 3 - Light Vehicle Tire Repair, Lot 3 - Lightweight Vehicle Tire Assembly, Lot 3 - Light -Tire Rubber Rescue, Lot 3 - Truck Tire Repair, Lot 3 - Kia Bongo/ Ambulance Lot 3 - Kia Bongo / Van / Ambulance Tire Assembly, Lot 3 - Tire Tire Assembly, Lot 3 - Truck And Bus Geometry, Lot 3 - Lightweight Vehicle Geometry, Lot 3 - Geometry Van, Lot 3 - Lot Of Truck, Lot 3 - Ambulance Balancing, Lot 4 - Lot 4 - Lot 4 - Washing Truck, Lot 4 - Bus Washing, Lot 4 - Paddlers, Lot 4 - Bobcat Washing, Lot 4 - Truck Washing, Lot 4 - Kia Bongo Washing, Lot 4 - Kombi Washing, Lot 4 - Lot 4 - Motor Washing, Lot 4 - Retro -Excavator Washing, Lot 4 - Lot 4 - Lot 4 - Lot 4 - Lot 4 - Lot 4 - Lot 4 - Lot 4 - Lot 4 - Lot 4 - Lot 4 Light Vehicle Washing