Tenders Are Invited For The Supply Of Pipes Is Steel, Concrete And Building Materials. (Foundation Block, Machaon Mesh, Steel Cable, Coesh, Link, Clamp, Talt, Setting Set Of Machaon Grid For Fastening (Bracket, Washer), Welded Galvanized Mesh, Gf-021, Pf-115)
Tenders Are Invited For The Supply Of Pipes Is Steel, Concrete And Building Materials. (Foundation Block, Machaon Mesh, Steel Cable, Coesh, Link, Clamp, Talt, Setting Set Of Machaon Grid For Fastening (Bracket, Washer), Welded Galvanized Mesh, Gf-021, Pf-115)
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC,BRIC,Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS,G20,APAC (Asia Pacific)
Work Detail
The supply of pipes is steel, concrete and building materials. (Foundation block, machaon mesh, steel cable, coesh, link, clamp, talt, setting set of machaon grid for fastening (bracket, washer), welded galvanized mesh, GF-021, PF-115)
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.