Quotation Are Invited For Projector 4K Pro Uhd Resolution 2700 Ansi Lumens 16.9 Aspect Ratio Include Supply, Delivery And Installation In The Auditorium
Quotation Are Invited For Projector 4K Pro Uhd Resolution 2700 Ansi Lumens 16.9 Aspect Ratio Include Supply, Delivery And Installation In The Auditorium
Quotation are invited for Projector 4k Pro Uhd Resolution 2700 Ansi Lumens 16.9 Aspect Ratio must Include Supply, Delivery and Installation In the Auditorium. CLOSING DATE 07 March 2025 Tender Link : https://www.umhlathuze.gov.za/index.php/investors/tenders-and-quotations?task=download.send&id=13306&catid=3&m=0
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.