Tenders Are Invited For Risk Or Hazard Assessment For Construction - Identification, Inventory And Rapid Visual Evaluation Of Buildings Located In Bucharest
Tenders Are Invited For Risk Or Hazard Assessment For Construction - Identification, Inventory And Rapid Visual Evaluation Of Buildings Located In Bucharest
Risk Or Hazard Assessment For Construction - Identification, Inventory And Rapid Visual Evaluation Of Buildings Located In Bucharest. Quick Visual Evaluation Sheets: Maximum Quantity, Minimum On Agreement - Frame: - Maximum Quantity - 1 Package X 20,000 Buildings; - Minimal Quantity - 1 Package X 1 Building. Maximum Quantity, Minimum On Subsequent Contract: - Minimum Quantity - 1 Package X 1 Building; - Maximum Quantity - 1 Package X 1500 Buildings.
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.