Tenders are invited for NAVISP-EL1-103 - Precise and Stable Navigation with Quantum Accelerometer - Expro+. Quantum accelerometers offer a promising solution to address drift and inaccuracies in traditional Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), especially in challenging environments with limited GNSS signals. They provide high-precision navigation, long autonomy, and effective fault detection, making them ideal for Safety of Life (SoL) applications like underwater, maritime, rail, aviation, and automotive. This project builds on previous feasibility studies, aiming to integrate quantum accelerometers into navigation systems, overcoming challenges such as vibrational noise, vehicle dynamics, and non-linear errors, while optimizing performance for specific user domains. Open Date: 24/02/2025 09:20 CET Closing Date: 25/03/2025 13:00 CET Price Range: 500 KEURO Tender Link : https://esastar-publication-ext.sso.esa.int/ESATenderActions/filter/open
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