Tenders Are Invited For Purchase Of School Supplies, Laboratory Supplies, Banners, Books And Musical Instruments Haridi Lavozimoti Maktabӣ, Lavozimoti Laboratoryӣ, Bannerҳo, Kitobҳo Va Asbobҳoi Musikӣ

Tender Detail

Tenders Are Invited For Purchase Of School Supplies, Laboratory Supplies, Banners, Books And Musical Instruments Haridi Lavozimoti Maktabӣ, Lavozimoti Laboratoryӣ, Bannerҳo, Kitobҳo Va Asbobҳoi Musikӣ
Central Asia
Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS

Work Detail

Extension, Interactive electronic board, Video projector, Splitter, MFP laser, HDMA Cable, Source of uninterrupted nutrition (UPS), A set of demonstration disks, Router, A set of posters for the Cabinet of Informatics, Safety Poster Poster for Informatics Cabinet, The musical instrument of the dumbber, Musical signs, Educational synthesizer for schools, Photos of famous musicians, singers and composers, Musical instrument Labchang, Musical instrument Dutar, Musical instrument Gichchak, Musical instrument Ny, Musical instrument Rubob, Tablet, Circle, A column with an amplifier, Musical notes, Slide album Element of the Earth, Slide album Landscape of the Earth, Slide album Minerals and rocks, Slide album The number of the population of the Earth, A set of geographical maps, Map of Tajikistan Hydracks, Tajikistan economy map, Tajikistan Goric map size, The zoological map of the size, Zoogeographic map of Tajikistan, Tajikistan sand map, The thermometer is demo, School barometer, Anemometer, Hygrometer, Tellura, Table Earth as a planet, Photo portraits of tourists, National map, Map of the hemisphere, Political map of the world, Card nature of the world, Earths structure map, World soil map, Ocean map, The most important plants in the world map, A map of geographical discoveries, Geological map of Tajikistan, Atlas of Tajikistan, Topographic tools, Compass Azimuth, School compass, Volcano model, Model Structure of the Land of Earth and Evolution of the Relief, Model Building of the Earth, Globe with rotation, Globe, The collection minerals, Mountain and mineral solid bodies, Slide disc for mathematics, The board is cool, Cool ruler, Cool triangle 45 degrees, Cool triangle 60 degrees, Class transporter 360 degrees, Class conveyor 180 degrees, Classic compass, Forms in geometric shapes from planimetry, Free bodies in stereometry, Multiplication table, Brief multiple formula table, Table of mathematical solutions, Table of simple numbers, Trigonometric formulas, Table of solutions of equations with one unknown in writing, Pythagoras table, Pythagoras Theorem table, Multiplication and division table, Vector, Table of profitability formulas, Formula table of inaccessibility and integral, Formulas of degrees, The main root of the formula, Logarithmic formulas, Logarithmic table, Formula of arithmetic and geometric progression, Table meanings trigonometric functions, Photos (images) of scientists of mathematicians, The main property of fractions, Proportions and percentage, Functions and their property, A set of light filters, Universal tripod, The source of the constant and variable process 24 in, Actrum for measuring atmospheric pressure, Hydrometer, Electronic scales up to 500 g., Fluid measurement manometer, Electronic pressure measuring device up to 200 degrees C, Digital multimeter, Micrometric, Alcohol, Fluid measurement device, Water level, Stopwatch, Wave bath, Blide of Archimedes, Galle Galle, Sound frequency generator, Resonance tuning fork, Electricity adjustment coil, Demonstration set of electrostatics, Collection for displaying the electricity process, A set of educational characteristics of electromagnetic waves, Source of resistance, Magnetic strip steel, Turned electric machine, Metronome, Maxwell pendulum, Potential meter, Minor Model, Model Crystalline graphite, Model Iron Crystalline-Result, Model Crystalline Stone Salt, Metal hydropress model, Model of a persons eye, Internal tanning engine model, Mechanical weight indication, Set for demonstrating the laws of geometric optics in physics and natural science lessons, Display of exposure to the coil, Ersteds display, Display of magnetic field spectra, Capillation, Display electrolysis, A set of spring watches with various firmnesses, Set of balloons- they are, The ammeter is demonstrated, The voltmeter is demo, Heliometer demonstration, One cable electric key, Low voltage lamps, Magnet, Types of capacitors, Flap, Photocells, Oscillographic displayer of two network, Device for displaying pressure in liquids, Mixing device, Temperature exposure device, Device to display the dependence of the resistance of the metal on the air, Tool for studying the dependence of cable resistance, Device for displaying body inertia, Lenz laws, The device for displaying heat emission, The sensor and receiver EM waves, Tool for researching floating bodies, Devices for monitoring the spectrum in writing, A device for monitoring the smooth traffic, Tool ruler, Magnetic needle, Thermal receiver, Newtons universal pipe, Two electrode pipe, Pascal layer, Model of the Brownian movement, Dynamometer demonstration., Demonstration Kamovsky pump, Hourglass, Radiometer, Continuous glass container, Tool for demonstrating the convention in liquid, Collection of metals, Electroscope, Electrostarter, Electric demonstration call, The phone is simple demonstration, Compass, Electromagnetic relay for demonstration, The transformer is demonstrated, Globe of the Heavenly Planet of Stars, Donation for displaying sun and lunar, Laboratory training electronic scales (up to 200g), Mechanical ammeter, Mechanical ammeter, Mechanical voltmeter, Set of mechanics in the laboratory, A set of molecular physics and thermodynamics in laboratories, A set of electrodynamics in the laboratory, Demonstration set Wave optics, Kvant of quantum phenomena in the laboratory, Electrostatics, Set Radio Design, Electric engine, Device for studying the dependence of metals resistance on temperature, A tool for studying the dependence of the cable resistance on the length of the insert and materials, Wave sound research instrument, Device for studying the law of Boyle Mariotta, Laboratory power source, Trainer wires for connecting electricity, Electronic calculator, List Table of Electromagnetic Rays, List Main Physical Constants, List Unified International System (SI), List of physical quantities of a unit, A set of tables for equipping the equipment of the physics cabinet, Methodological recommendations of practical measures in physics of mechanics of the practice of excrement, molecular thermodynamics of physics, optics and quantum phenomena, 3D glasses, Poster in safety precautions, Set of photo portrait of scientific physicists, Methodical instructions on laboratory and experimental work chemistry, Measured dishes, Chemical container, The source of the constant and variable process 24 in, Training microscope, Drying container, Storage database chemical, School barometer, Hydrometer-device to determine air humidity, Electronic scales up to 500 g, Fluid measurement manometer, Electronic thermometer up to 200 s, Display of the charging process and analyzer, Ersteds display, Package barrels and tools for demonstration experiments, Equipment for evaporation of material, Tools for displaying pressure in liquids, Resonance tuning fork, Tools to display the influence of parallel processes, Metal melting tools, Metal melting tools, Gas production device, Devices for determining the content of water, Tools to display the essence of water in the roots, A tool for comparing CO2 content in the air when inhaling and exhaling., Galileo tray, Magnet and slice, Magnetic needle., Tough with two electrodes, Tough with two electrodes, Side -cut cylinder, Display appliance appliance, A group of atoms to create a molecular model in organic and organic chemistry, Crystalline nets, DNA model, Models of fruits and vegetables, Model Molecule protein, Instructions for the development process Biosynthesis cell, Cell structure development process, Set of fibers, Metal, Oil and processing products, Petrol, Plastic, Table of solid bodies, Aluminum, The collection minerals, Mountain and mineral solid bodies, Set No. 11 p, Set No. 10 OS, Set No. 1 OS, Set No. 19, Set number 3 aircraft, Set No. 13 OS, Set No. 6 p, Set No. 11 OS, Set No. 7 p, Set number 18 from, Set number 4os, Set No. 1 s, Set No. 12 OS, Set No. 5 p, List Table of Electromagnetic Writing, Table Physics Construction indicators, Table Specific weight of the international system of SI, Table Periodic system of chemical elements of Mendeleev D, The table Solubility of acids, salts and bases in water, The order of the electrochemical circuits of metals intensity, Kit photo portrait of scientific chemistry, Textbook on chemistry Chemical Research, A set of posters for technical chemistry, Battery strength equipment, High voltage process, School barometer, Electronic scales up to 500 g, Thermometer, Digital microscope USB, Tools to display the essence of water in the roots, Tool for comparing CO2 content in the air when inhaling and exhaling, The internal structure of the fish, The internal structure of the frog, The internal structure of the lizard, The internal structure of the bird, The internal structure of the mouse, The development of poultry farming, Fish development, The development of the frog, Agricultural plants, Development of rats, Jellyfish in a glass flask, The internal structure of two barrel mollusks, Trees and shrubs, Group of plants, Decorative plants, Classification of plants, Classification of plants - seeds of nightshade, plaunid, complex - family of vineyards, Classification of plants - a group of legumes, Classification of plants Sorvety plants of the highest class, Gright -seed plant, Model of marine plants, Harmful insects, Representatives of a group of insects, Leading examples of determining colors and shapes in insects, The development of two winged, The development of peas seeds, The development of the bee, Small electric stove, Development of insects with incomplete transformation, Development of insects with complete transformation, Development (Farn), The development of a mulberry tree, Development of locusts, Family of butterflies, Family of Zhukov, Model Bones of the Skull, Models of fruits and vegetables, Form of preservation of beneficial plants and animals, Model of a persons eye, DNA model, Native tooth with two roots, The shape of the polyphonic snake, The shape of the cilia of the shoe, Form of marine fish -like creature, The shape of the barrel of the plant, The shape of the structure of the root, The shape of the structure of the sheet, The form of the structure of the cell membrane, The spinal brain, Cell structure development process, Model Molecule protein, Human kidney, Human heart, Human body, The flower is the immortel, Flower of peas, Cabbage flower, Flower of potatoes, Sunflower flower, Wheat flower, Blooming tulips, Blooming apple tree, The structure of the human bones in the form of the initial size, Set of spine, Human skull with greased colors, Pigeon skeleton, Fish skeleton, The rabbit skeleton, Training microscope, Frog skeleton, Biocenosis, Agrocenosis, Biosynthez white, Genetics of blood group, C cell division, Digbyrid, Paul Hybrid, Hereditary Rh factor, The shape of the chromosome, The buildings of the skeleton, Binoculars, Folder for collecting dry plants, Dried plants, Roulette, Plant digging shovel, Water bag, Sitting Silk for insects, Microbiological laboratory, A set of small tools, Animal development schedule, Set of biology tables, Electronic instructions “The degree of organization of nature. Practical biology, Electronic methodological recommendations Bird, Electronic methodological recommendations Pisces, ground, insects, Electronic methodological recommendations Mammal, Electronic methodological recommendations Man and Ego Healthy, Methodical recommendations Evolution, Methodical recommendations Ecology, Methodical recommendations Cytology and Genetics, Methodological recommendations “Biology for grade 6-7. Experiments of the demonstration model, Methodical recommendations Biological Research, Senior plant table, Table of therapeutic plants, Table of instructions for laboratory work on biologists, Stand of the influence of the anthropogenic factor in the biosphere, Set of photographs of scientific biology, Safety table for the Laboratory of Biologists, The book Methodological instructions for conducting school research using digital microscopes

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