Tenders Are Invited For The Purchase Of Reagents, Tests, Consumables And Express Tests To Determine The Content Of Narcotic Substances In The Urine Haridi Reagent Io, Testҳo, Mavo Io Masrafshawanda Va Test Ҷ
Tenders Are Invited For The Purchase Of Reagents, Tests, Consumables And Express Tests To Determine The Content Of Narcotic Substances In The Urine Haridi Reagent Io, Testҳo, Mavo Io Masrafshawanda Va Test Ҷ
Bilirubin, Is kinetics, Alt Kinetics, Determining the total protein in the blood, Hemoglobin, GOD-PAP glucose, HBSAG Strip-Test, Timol test, Test cassettes, HCV Strip-Test, HIV Comic Wondefo, Syphilis strip-test
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.