Expression of Interest for Consultancy Service for Baseline Study and Gender Analysis. Background Save the Children (SC) is a global leader in development and humanitarian programming worldwide, working as the preeminent voice for children with governments, civil society and private sector partners for over a century. Save the Children has been working in collaboration with the Government of Tanzania to advance the rights of children since 1986. The first programme was opened in Zanzibar focusing on maternal, newborn, child health. Currently, we are implementing programs in regions of Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. Save the Children Tanzania operates in both development and humanitarian contexts, with presence in Nyarugusu and Nduta refugee camps in Kigoma region. Save the Children supports children in health and nutrition, child protection. education, child poverty and child rights governance programming. We use a system strengthening approach. partnering with the Government of Tanzania, civil society organisations, private sector, academia/ research institutions and international organisations. OUR VISION: a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. OUR MISSION: is to Inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. CONTEXT The EU-funded Vijana Plus program aims to enhance the capacity of youth-led Civil Society Organizations (CS0s), young leaden from CSOs. Young Artist and journalist, youth networks and youth sounding board (YS8) in eight target regions that include Mwanza, Mtwara, Mbeya, Dodoma, Tanga, Morogoro, Kigoma and Zanzibar (Pemba & Unguja). A baseline survey and comprehensive intersectional gender analysis will inform the Actions design including programming and advocacy efforts. The baseline will assess target groups capacities and engagement in decision-making processes to help with benchmarking of the Actions indicators. The intersectional gender analysis will evaluate the participation status of demographic groups, including girls, boys, youths. women, and individuals with disabilities, in governance and development processes A baseline and gender analysis survey/evaluation will establish reference points against which progress will be measured and evaluated throughout the project cycle. The evaluation will assess the existing CSO landscape and situation of youth including youth sounding board (YSB)as independent actors of good governance and development. The findings will provide insights and inform an Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) process and Organizational Capacity Development (OCD) plans to CSOs as well as inform contextual barriers facilitators and opportunity for youth to emerge as independent contributors to good governance and development. This evaluation will be structured into two key thematic areas: Thematic 1: General Youth Led CSD baseline survey to map the availability of Youth led CSDs as per our thematic areas assess the current capacities and engagement of target groups in decision-making processes. Thematic 2: Analysis Evaluation on the participation status and barriers of various demographic groups, including girls, boys, youths, women and individuals with disabilities. in governance and development processes 2. Subject/Term of Reference (TOR) The consultancy will focus on achieving the following objectives: Mapping youth-led CSOs in the eight target regions, number, location (urban/rural), their structures, focus areas, and challenges. Assessing the basic operating environment for Youth led CSOs, including legal frameworks, registration, governing bodies, networking engagement, funding access. and partnerships. Identifying common capacity gaps and opportunities/strengths across the sector. Conducting a gender analysis to understand gender-related bafflers and facilitators in Youth led CSO and youth participation and leadership play an active role in shaping their societies Identify contextual barriers and facilitators for youth as independent contributors to good governance and development. Study and advise on the best ways to engage and influence parliamentarians on key issues affecting young people in Tanzania, such as budgetary processes. Scope of Work The consultant will undertake but not limited to the following tasks: Conduct a desk review of relevant policies, reports, and databases on Youth led CSO operations in project sites based on the project thematic areas. Review project proposal including the log-frame and M&E frameworks to understand the project approach, tools and indicators. Design and administer a youth led CSO Capacity Survey to capture project indicators, thematic areas of working, organizational structures, governance, funding sources, needs and challenges. Conduct Key Informant interviews (Klls)with: o Youth-led CSO representatives o Young eaders / Youth Sounding Board (YSB) o CSO support networks and coalitions o Local government officials/ Respective ministries in relation to Youth and NGOs o EU Delegation representatives (where relevant) o Development partners Facilitate Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)with youth leaders, EU Youth Sounding Board and Youth CSOs leaders. Map youth-led CSOs in the eight target regions and categorize them based on size, focus, and operational structure. Analyze gender dynamics within CSOs and youth, including leadership roles, participation bafflers, and programmatic focus areas. Provide Recommendations on best means of effective engagement in play an active role in shaping their societies 4. Deliverables The consultant is expected to deliver the following: Inception Report Detailed methodology and work plan. Data Collection Tools- This include Youth Led CSOs mapping template CSO Landscape Assessment Report Analysis of the sector, key challenges, and mapping of Youth led CSOs on the project regions for review Draft gender dynamics report within capturing finding from Youthled CSOs and Young leaders Final Report: A combined polished report incorporating feedback, including executive summary and recommendations. Presentation: A presentation of slides of findings to key stakeholders. Final Baseline Report -A combined polished Comprehensive findings, baseline values for relevant indicators, executive summary and recommendations for capacity-building focus areas and empowerment approaches to young leaders. 5. Methodology The consultant should employ a mixed-methods approach, including: Desk reviews of existing reports and policy documents. Surveys targeting youth-led CSOs. Key Informant Interviews (KIIs)and Focus Group Discussions (F6Ds). Gender-disaggregated data collection and analysis. 6. Required Expertise The consultant (or team) should have: Extensive experience in conducting assessments and baseline evaluations. Expertise in research methodologies, data analysis, gender-sensitive evaluations and youth surveys/evaluations/assessments. Excellent data analysis and report writing skills. Familiarity with the target context, groups and communities. 7. How to apply and application conduct Interested consultants must submit a technical proposal outlining the methodology and work plan, a financial proposal that includes travels, CV(s)of the consultant or team members, and reference letters from three previous assessment or evaluation projects. Must provide evidence of compliance with legal and ethical standards, including valid business registration licenses, copy of the national registration card or copy of the passport and tax compliance certificates. The submission deadline is 03th, March 2026, at 1700 Tanzania Hrs. Expressions of Interests submitted after the stated closing time and date will not be accepted. More detailed please visit: Save the Children Tanzania Website Applications should be only submitted proposal to: The Technical Proposal should be submitted separate with Financial Proposal. Tender Link :