Tenders are invited for Provision of Insurance Brokerage Services to Companies and Intellectual Property Authority for 3 Years. Preference will be grven to 100% Citizen Owned entities, registered with PuWic Procurement Regulatory Authority under the following Code: 127-lnsurance & Pension Sub-Code: 03- (Motor vehicle Insurance) Sub-Code: OS -(Fire and other property damage insurance) Sub Code:0 Brokerage and risk related services Sub -Code:07-Ufe Insurance services Sub-Code :0 -Other insurance and Pension services Full details on requirements and specifications are provided in the Tender documents obtainable at a non-refundable deposit of P500.00 payable by EFT or Bank deposit. Proof of payment is required before collection of the tender documents. Youth owned companies shall pay half of the tender price; Omang is required as proof for verification. Proof of payment should be emailed to tenderidicipa.co.bw All payments to be made into the following account: Account Name: Companies and Intellectual Property Authority Stanbic Bank Fairgrounds Bank Name: Account Number: Branch: Branch Code: 064967 Swift Code: SBICBWGX Tender Link : https://www.pressreader.com/ (Mmegi)
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.