Request for Proposal For Gender Dimension In Contract Farming Practices

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Request for Proposal For Gender Dimension In Contract Farming Practices
South-Eastern Asia
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN,APAC (Asia Pacific)

Work Detail

Request for proposals for Gender Dimension in Contract Farming Practices in Cambodia. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Oxfam in Cambodia is a partner of the Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) Project that supports an Alliance for Responsible Agriculture Investment in Cambodia. The objective of this Alliance is promote more inclusive Agriculture Investment models based on a good understanding of opportunities and risks for Smallholder Farmers and develop improved regulations for Agriculture Investment in policies and practice. Oxfam Cambodia Alliance for Responsible Agriculture Investment has working closely with DIA, DACP and other specialize departments of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) to enable space for dialogue on policy development such as Contract Farming draft law and other thematic issues related. We also enable space for engagement between stakeholders in contract farming practices such as agriculture cooperative (Acs), producer groups, company, enterprise, middleman/trader, local/national authority and others to promote multistakeholder dialogue, discuss and address issues related when occurred. In order to promote agriculture production at scale and to compete with others in the region, the Cambodian government through MAFF has issued a Sub-decree on Contract Farming in 2011 and established a National Committee on CF that comprises representatives from 19 line-ministries. The committee is chaired by the MAFF Minister while the Department of Agro-Industry (DAI) serves a secretariat role. Currently, MAFF is developing a draft law on contract farming that has broader scope to cover all agriculture commodity and at scale. The draft law has been internally discussing and reviewing several times as reported in social media of MAFF. Hence, the draft law has not been yet official share among broader stakeholder especially ACs/Farmer group, agriculture company and NGOs are called for better consultations and inclusive process. In Cambodia, women play a vital role in the agricultural sector, yet they are often marginalized in the formulation of laws and policies concerning land, resources, and agriculture. International human rights call for mechanisms to ensure gender equality by promoting womens participation. The Cambodian Constitution guarantees equality and non-discrimination, and Cambodian laws prohibit domestic violence and trafficking and support joint land titles. However, there are no official mandates for genderequitable consultation in Cambodian law, and the legal framework for consultation is weakly defined. According to the Constitution and guidelines for legislative drafting (Circular 03), consultation should be conducted before and after drafting laws; however, this is often limited to the affected ministries and sub-national officials and provides limited avenues for civil society organizations (CSOs) and public input. Largely due to the failure to adopt inclusive, participatory methods, existing laws and policies in Cambodia often overlook gendered inequalities. Including a wide range of women in consultations can identify gender-specific concerns, leading to better legislation and enforcement. Ultimately, consultation processes that foster transformative gender relations can lead to better laws and help address unequal power dynamics. Oxfam and alliance members share concerning over how gender equality has ensuring during the process of law/policy formulation related to agriculture while majority of workforce share is women. To be able to provide concrete evident for further discussion and dialogue, Oxfam, on behalf of Cambodia RAI member is looking for a gender expert individual/team as consultant to conducting Gender Analysis in Contract Farming: Policy vs Practices to understanding Gender Dimension and Practices in Contract Farming in Cambodia. OBJECTIVES This Gender Analysis aims to: - Inform policy development and implementation (Gender responsive/equality CF Law) - Enhance gender equality opportunity in contract farming implementation - Increase women participation and recognition in Contract Farming practices The following research questions guide gender analysis. 1. Why do women need to be involved/and what are the gender specific issues that arise in agriculture sector? And how are those issues resolved? 2. Have women been involved in the consultations during contract negotiation between AC/farmer with company? Were women given an opportunity to participate, share ideas and raise questions during the contract negotiation? Was any gender-specific issues recognized in the content contract farming agreements? Why and why not? 3. What are the specific challenges that women have faced in implementing their rights under the CF agreement? Why and how can they be resolved? 4. How land ownership being shared /and tenure right being secured for women? And decision making on what crops to be growth and sign the CF/agreement? 5. What are the benefits resulting from inclusion of womens engagement and women-specific issues in the agreement? Is there any evidence that their participation and inclusion in the negotiation prevents conflicts? Cite examples of at least two case studies from the field. 6. What buyers or contract companies perceive women in CF agreement negotiation process? 7. How men and women work in the contract negotiation with companies/buyers? SCOPE OF WORK & DELIVERABLES In close coordination and supervision of Oxfam, the consultant expected to conduct desk review, field data collection and analysis data. The consultant will present the report with concrete recommendation to Oxfam, RAI Alliance members and broader stakeholders in workshop. To archive the assignment, the consultant must perform as following steps: Development of work plan and elaborate research/analysis methodology and planning of the assignment in accordance with the desired objectives as above-mentioned. Conduct literature review/desk review of existing research papers, cases studies, policy/regulation related. Collected data from field by conduct key informant interviews, focus groups discussion and meeting/workshop with stakeholders as necessary Analyse cases studies required in guiding question # 5. Present the draft analysis report, including to Oxfam, RAI Alliance and stakeholders to further collect inputs and verify the result from field work Present final version of the report to key stakeholders Submit final report to Oxfam Respect the deadlines established in the ToR. Deadline: February 28th, 2025 Tender Link :

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