Tenders Are Invited For Consultancy To Conduct Gender Equality Training

Tender Detail

Tenders Are Invited For Consultancy To Conduct Gender Equality Training
South-Eastern Asia
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN,APAC (Asia Pacific)

Work Detail

Tenders are invited for Consultancy to Conduct Gender Equality Training The team of Gender experts is expected to deliver tasks and perform a role as below. OBJECTIVES The overall objective of this assignment is to design training need assessment, develop curriculum and deliver gender equality training to senor leaders at VRG level and subsidiary company member in Cambodia and Vietnam. Moreover, the expert will assess the capacity of the trainee through post and pre-tests to measure general gender knowledge of participants and evaluate the effectiveness of the skill training course. SCOPE OF WORK & DELIVERABLES In close coordination and supervise by Oxfam, the gender experts are expected to develop and deliver work plan and perform as following. Conduct Training need assessment (online) and pre-test as well as post-test for trainee Develop training curriculum based on the needed and of target trainee Provide training sessions (4 sessions max, 2 in Cambodia and 2 in Vietnam) at assigned based Produce and submit final report from the training session to Oxfam and companies, included result from both tests. The report will be official in English, possible to be translate and Vietnamese bases on need by the companies. Respect the deadlines established in the ToR. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Proposal that reflects on the Terms of Reference to deliver the assignment Draft work plan showing the suggested timing of carrying out the deliverables The financial proposal includes detailed budgets for professional fees, travel including air ticket, taxi as needed, meals and accommodation allowance as expected and other costs related to this assignment. Please also indicate whether contractual arrangements would be with an individual consultant or a group. If it is a team/group, please provide information on team members and their role No payments will be made outside the contractually agreed budget. PROFILE REQUIREMENTS The individual(s) or group of experts should have the following competencies: Essential criteria Demonstrate skill and expertise on gender issues and women-rights, including womens labor rights and workplace specific needs (protection from sexual harassment, maternity/childcare rights, pay equality and leadership support) Demonstrate experience in organizing and facilitating gender training sessions to private sector, senior leaders, and management team Demonstrable experience and knowledge of (gender) analytical skills Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build strong relationships with participants at all levels Ability to work independently, manage multiple tasks, and meet deadlines. Ability to speak, read and write Vietnamese is an advantage Knowledge of Green Growth Strategy, Sustainable Development, ESGs and Certification Schemes are appreciated Ability to demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences and gender issues/norms, as well as the commitment to equal opportunities. Commitment to Oxfams safeguarding policies to ensure all people who come into contact with Oxfam are as safe as possible. Tender Link : https://www.bongthom.com/job_list.html?category_id=55&order_by=start_date&order_dir=desc

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