Tenders Are Invited For Market Monitoring According To The Procedure “Providing The Right To Conclude A Lease Agreement For A Period Of 11 Months For The Operation Of Capital Construction Objects With Cadastral Numbers 67: 17: 1000201: 520, 67: 17: 1000201: 537 And A Land Plot With Cadastral Number 67: 17: 1000201: 479 , Location: Smolensk Region, Safonovsky District, S/P Voscherskoye, Dusher, 310 Km A/M Moscow-Minsk (Left Side)
Tenders Are Invited For Market Monitoring According To The Procedure “Providing The Right To Conclude A Lease Agreement For A Period Of 11 Months For The Operation Of Capital Construction Objects With Cadastral Numbers 67: 17: 1000201: 520, 67: 17: 1000201: 537 And A Land Plot With Cadastral Number 67: 17: 1000201: 479 , Location: Smolensk Region, Safonovsky District, S/P Voscherskoye, Dusher, 310 Km A/M Moscow-Minsk (Left Side)
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC,BRIC,Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS,G20,APAC (Asia Pacific)
Work Detail
Market monitoring according to the procedure “Providing the right to conclude a lease agreement for a period of 11 months for the operation of capital construction objects with cadastral numbers 67: 17: 1000201: 520, 67: 17: 1000201: 537 and a land plot with cadastral number 67: 17: 1000201: 479 , location: Smolensk region, Safonovsky District, s/p Voscherskoye, Dusher, 310 km a/m Moscow-Minsk (left side)
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.