Tenders are invited for Conducting an External Audit for a Germany Federal Foreign Office Funded Project. The GFFO donor regulations regarding audits include but are not limited to: 1.) Verification of revenue (received) and expenditure incurred (paid) on a Cash Accounting Basis according to FIFO 2.) Verification of timely spent funds (as specified in the grant agreement) 3.) Verification and presentation of expenditure in spending currencies vs EURO and all related exchange processes 4.) to Make Observations to Determine Whether the Grant Recipient has Satisfied in Every Substantive Respect the Conditions Laid down in the Grant Agreement. Any Substantive Matters Which do not Meet The Conditions, and Any Indications of Unlawful Acts must be Identified. Such Observations should Also Include the Requirements Relating to Any Contribution by the Grant Recipient. AUDITORS CERTIFICATE The final auditors certificate must contain the following (minimum requirement): We hereby certify that we have audited the statement of accounts of (name of the project-executing agency in the developing country) in respect of the financing of the project (name) on the basis of the following terms of use made available to us (list of commissions and documents). To this end, we have inspected the books and vouchers and report that: 1. Proofs of receipts and expenditure have been properly furnished in the form of vouchers. 2. The expenditures, for which evidence has been supplied, are in keeping with the appointed purpose as set out in the Financing Plan. Any deviations from the Financing Plan are described and explained separately. 3. The amount and origin of documented income which is accounted for as counterpart contributions made by the project executing agency, the target group and/or other agencies in the project country have been specified. 4. The terms set by the donor have been observed/have not been observed in the following points. Tender Link : https://comms.southsudanngoforum.org/c/tenders
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.