Expression of Interest For Assessment Of Lao PdrS Emission Reduction Program

Tender Detail

The World Bank Group
Expression of Interest For Assessment Of Lao PdrS Emission Reduction Program
South-Eastern Asia
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN,APAC (Asia Pacific)

Work Detail

Expression of Interest are invited for Assessment of Lao PDRs Emission Reduction Program The overall objective of this consultancy is to deliver an assessment report of the country´s first results-based ERP (GFLL). The first part of the work is an assessment of the ER Program specifically on deforestation, forest degradation impact on the generation of emission reductions. The second part of the analysis is an assessment of the options for scaling up or formulating new result-based emission reduction programs in Laos. The options will need to consider the enabling regulatory and policy framework. The specific tasks are to: 1. Assess the ERP including updating the analysis of the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation impacting the program. The assessment should provide a quantitative (as far as possible) assessment of the range of direct and indirect drivers impacting the program area. The assessment should include a spatial-temporal analysis of the drivers and underlying causes of deforestation in the program area during the period between 2019 and 2024, to elucidate the spatial relationships and impact on overall forest cover. Analysis should include the trends compared to the previous period (2015-2019) especially as a result agricultural expansion, commercial plantations (rubber, coffee, cassava, etc.), infrastructure development, logging (legal and Illegal), and drivers of firewood and charcoal production. Data should be drawn from credible sources and shared with the World Bank. A list of questions is provided in Annex 1 to help guide the scope of the assessment, and this (scope) will need to be confirmed as part of the Consultants inception report. 2. Assess the effect of the future ER payment as an incentive to counter the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in the program area. This is expected to be an inferential analysis based on economic data and interviews with key informants analyzing the positive and potential negative social and environmental impacts. For instance, examining and understanding the potential of the ERP on reducing loss in biodiversity, NTFP use, changes in water systems, soil degradation, and carbon emissions. The analysis should include a close analysis of social impacts of the ERP through its design, investments, including effects on ethnic communities, livelihoods, food security, and access to natural resources. 3. Assess opportunities for scaling-up or formulating new result-based emission reduction programs in Laos. This task should examine the national landscape for potential landscape programs considering that the government is engaged in several projects and deals with private sector and bilateral agencies associated with forest carbon finance. This assessment should also consider the enabling environment (institutions, regulations, capacities, and resources) needed for result-based emission reduction program. The consultant is expected to suggest critical and impactful interventions that should be part of results-based emission reduction programs based on the outcomes of the Lao PDR ERP and drawing on experience of other results-based programs. Tender Link :

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