Tenders are Invited for Supply of DEG (Diethylene Glycol). Company should Meet following Minimum Criteria for Participation in the Bidding: Company should not be under Reorganization, Liquidation or Bankruptcy (Evidence from Tax Authority and Bank is to be Submitted); Companies should not be Registered in the States or Territories that Provide Preferential Tax Treatment and/or do not Consider Disclosure of Information during Financial Transactions (Offshore Zones), or Which have Accounts with Banks Located in Offshore Zones. Company should have been Established at Least 6 (Six) Month before Announcement of the Bidding (Submit Notarized Copies of the Certificate of State Registration, Foundation Agreement of the Company, Charter of the Company); Company should Provide Bidding Proposal in English and Russian. Participation in Bidding and Submission of Necessary Documents (Instruction to Bidders) will be Provided Free of Charge upon Receipt of an Official Letter Requesting Bidding Documentation with Indication of RecipientS E-Mail Address. Such Letter shall be Signed by an Authorized Person and Certified with the Stamp (if Available) of a Bidder. Package of bidding documents must be delivered in due time by courier mail or express messenger in a sealed envelope with the contact details of the sender, name of subject and number of bidding. After 3 pm by Tashkent time on March 12th, 2025, the documents submitted by the companies for participation in bidding No. T-12/25 will not be accepted. Tender Link : http://www.uz-kor.com/index.php/en/tenders
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.