Tenders are invited for End of Project Evaluation. Project: Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls as a Catalyst for Peace Phase II Objectives of the Endline Evaluation: Assess the situation post-project closure compared to the baseline, using indicators defined in the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEAL) plan. Evaluate the progress achieved over time as a result of the Catalyzing for Peace project. Document best practices and lessons learned to guide decision-makers and key stakeholders in policy development, program design, and implementation. Assess the sustainability of the projects outcomes. 6. Evaluation Questions, Indicators to be Measured and Methodology The evaluation will address the following key questions: 1. To what extent did the project achieve its intended objectives? o Indicators: Achievement of project goals and outcomes, progress against MEAL plan targets, alignment with objectives. 2. What specific outcomes were observed because of the project? o Indicators: Evidence of changes in gender equality, GBV prevention and response capacity, womens participation in leadership, and community-level peacebuilding. 3. Were the project activities and outputs delivered as planned? o Indicators: Timeliness, quality, and completion of planned activities, stakeholder satisfaction, and adherence to the implementation plan. 4. How well did the project target and reach its intended beneficiaries? o Indicators: Coverage of the target population, inclusivity of marginalized groups, and feedback from beneficiaries. 5. Did the project contribute to demonstrable gender and social inclusion outcomes? o Indicators: Increased participation of women and girls in decision-making processes, strengthened womens networks and associations, and enhanced access to multisectoral GBV services. Methodology: The evaluation will adopt a mixed-methods approach to ensure a comprehensive analysis, including: Desk Review: Analysis of project documents, reports, and MEAL data to assess achievements against the planned objectives. Key Informant Interviews (KIIs): Engagement with project staff, community leaders, government officials, and other stakeholders to gather insights. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs): Structured discussions with beneficiaries, including women, girls, men, and boys, to understand the projects impact on their lives. Surveys: Quantitative surveys to measure progress on key indicators and beneficiary satisfaction. Case Studies: Documentation of success stories, challenges, and lessons learned to illustrate the projects impact. Observation Visits: Field visits to assess the quality and implementation of project activities on the ground. Consultancy fee 1 Consultantany fee (Professional fee) 1 30 20% Government withholding taxes will be deducted. Logistical/Adminitrative cost 1 Accommodation in Wau 0 7 CARE Wau and Yida field offices will provide accomodatiuon to the consultant 2 Accommodation in Pariang 0 7 CARE Wau ans Yida field offices will provide accomodatiuon to the consultant 3 Perdiem in Wau 1 9 CARE will provide per-diem to the consultant based on the CARE official rate. 4 Perdiem in Pariang 1 8 CARE will provide per-diem to the consultant based on the CARE official rate. 5 Flight ticket Juba -Wau and Wau - Juba, Juba-Yida and Yida-Juba (Non-Wau based vendors) 1 4 CARE will cater for flight tickets for to and fro for Juba-Wau, Wau-Juba, Juba-Yida and YidaJuba 6 Internet in Wau and Yida 0 1 CARE will provide internet to consultant 7 Stationery / Training materials CARE will procure statinaries for the training 8 Recruitment of Enumerators in Wau and Yida CARE will recruit enumerators 9 Training of Enumerators in Wau and Yida Consultant will train enumerators on data colelction tools 10 Wages or incentives for the enumerators in Wau and Yida CARE will provide incentives for enumerators in Wau and Pariang 11 Hiring of venue and refreshments during the training of the enumerators in Wau and Yida. CARE will cover training expenses in both locations 12 Transportation in the field-Wau and Pariang 1 10 Consultant to quote or CARE will provide on-ground transport to the consultant. All proposals MUST be received no later than Monday 17th February 2025, by email addressed to SSD.Procurement@care.org and will be scored on the criteria above: The subject line of the email should read: Application for Conducting the Catalyzing for Peace Project Endline Evaluation. Deadline: No applications will be accepted after Monday 17th February 2025 Close of Business. Tender Link : https://www.bongthom.com/job_list.html?category_id=55&order_by=start_date&order_dir=desc
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